Why Is My Golden Retriever So Hyper? (9 Surprising Reasons)

After encountering continuous hyperactivity displayed by your golden retriever, you may have questioned many times, “Why is my golden retriever so hyper?”.

In this blog, we will reveal why your golden is so hyper and all the strategies you can implement to calm them.

Are All Golden Retrievers Hyper?

Yes, golden retrievers are naturally hyper dogs with a lot of energy especially when they are puppies. 

Their history of being bred as hunting dogs and ancestry are the main reasons for their high energy levels.

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Hunt?

They tend to bark, jump, and run around when excited, which shows they have a lot of pent-up energy that needs to be released by activities like mental and physical exercise.

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much?

ALSO READ: Do Golden Retrievers Jump Fences? 

Reasons other than their natural behavior can cause them to be hyper, especially when they become adults.

Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Are So Hyper

As golden retrievers were bred to be hunting companions, their bodies were built to be always on the move.

Here are some possible reasons that cause them to exhibit hyper behavior.

1.      The Puppy Stage

Young golden retrievers, especially puppies, are naturally hyper, energetic and playful.

They are known for being lively and may seem hyperactive due to their love of exploring and curiosity.

The first few months are the hardest when you bring a new puppy to your home because they constantly run around and jump everywhere.

So, feeling tired, overwhelmed, and frustrated is normal and understandable.

2.      They Are Hyper By Nature

Golden retrievers are originally bred to be hunting dogs, so they are naturally active dogs.

It’s in their nature to have high energy levels and great stamina compared to other dog breeds.

They are always playful and ready to please their owners.  

3.      Lack of Exercise

Being active dogs, golden retrievers need regular exercise to burn off excess energy.

If they lack sufficient physical activity or mental stimulation each day, they will accumulate excess energy, leading to restlessness and potentially hyperactive behavior as they try to release it.

4.      Boredom

Golden retrievers are energetic dogs who love to stay active.

Not having enough stimulating activities and being unable to release their built-up energy makes them bored and restless resulting in hyperactive behaviors, such as excessive barking, jumping on people, digging up the garden, chewing on furniture, knocking over trash cans, or zooming around the house.

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5.      Inadequate Training

Poor training could lead to a hyper golden retriever.

They may need proper training and guidance to channel their energy appropriately.

Consistent training also helps in teaching them how to control their energy and behave calmly.

6.      Lack of Attention

Golden retrievers crave a lot of interaction and affection throughout the day.

RELATED: How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection?

If you only give them attention when they are restless, they will learn this is the only way to get it and continue to repeat it.

Thus, you will be unintentionally reinforcing this behavior.

7.      Stress

When golden retrievers experience stress due to changes in their environment, separation anxiety, or a lack of mental and physical stimulation, they may exhibit hyperactive behavior to cope with or release this built-up tension.

RELATED: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

8.      Diet

It is important to give your golden retriever a balanced diet as diet can significantly affect hyperactivity levels in them.

Avoiding excessive sugars and artificial additives is important, as these can contribute to hyperactivity and mood swings.

Some dogs may exhibit hyperactivity or restlessness due to food allergies or sensitivities.

Switching to a hypoallergenic or limited-ingredient diet can help alleviate these symptoms.

9.      Medical Conditions

Health conditions like attention deficit disorder (ADD) and thyroid imbalances can cause hyperactivity in golden retrievers.

Dogs with ADD are easily distracted and restless, leading to behaviors like excessive barking and jumping.

While an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) increases their metabolic rate, leading to restlessness and heightened energy levels.

Why Is My Golden Retriever So Hyper In The Morning?

When the sun finally rises after a long night, you, as a dog owner, might observe your golden retriever being hyper and excited.

Let’s explore several factors explaining why your golden retriever might be so hyper in the morning.

1.      Pent-up Energy

After a long, undisturbed sleep, your golden is completely recharged.

Therefore, when morning comes, your dog has stored up energy that needs to be released.

2.      Anticipation

Your dog might be hyper just by seeing you and knowing you’ll do your daily routine together.

Morning routines often include activities your dog looks forward to, such as feeding, walking, or playtime, which can make them excited and hyper.

3.      Separation Anxiety

Your golden retriever may be hyper in the morning due to separation anxiety.

During the night, when they are separated from you, their anxiety levels can build up. Even though you just slept in your room, they think you have gone away.

They are excited to see you in the morning and release this built-up tension and energy.

This hyperactivity is their way of expressing relief and happiness at being reunited with you.

4.      Biological Rhythms

Dogs, like humans, have natural biological rhythms which are natural cycles of activity and rest.

Dogs can be naturally energetic in the morning due to their biological rhythms. Morning can be a peak time for activity and alertness.

How to Calm Down Your Golden Retriever?

If you are overwhelmed by the hyper behavior of your golden retriever, don’t worry – the following tips will help you manage the situation effectively.

1.      Regular Physical Exercise

Ensure your golden retriever gets adequate daily exercise to burn off excess energy, making them calmer and less hyper.

Long walks, runs, playtime, or swimming are great activities for this energetic breed.

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Regular exercise also helps alleviate anxiety and stress, which can reduce hyperactivity in dogs.

A healthy golden retriever should get 40 to 120 minutes of exercise daily, divided into two sessions.

Insufficient exercise can result in boredom, frustration, and hyperactivity, particularly if the dog is left alone for extended periods.

2.      Mental Stimulation

Providing your golden retriever with mental stimulation is equally important as regular physical activities.

It provides a constructive outlet for their energy that keeps them mentally active and prevents destructive behavior.

Engage your dog in puzzle toys, treat dispensers, or interactive games to stimulate their mind. Keep rotating their toys regularly to prevent them from boredom.

3.      Training

Golden retrievers are intelligent dogs who love to please their owners, so training them is easy.

Proper obedience training will teach self-control to your dog while also improving the bond between you two, as by teaching basic obedience commands you are showing that you are the leader and building trust with your dog. 

Similar to training them to “sit”, “stand”, and “stay”, golden retrievers can also be trained to calm down by using word commands such as “settle” or “calm” followed by a reward or praise.

By doing this you are creating a positive reinforcement, so they will know what to expect when they start to calm down.

Remember that consistency is the key to obedience training, as dogs thrive on routine and repetition.

You should practice obedience training in multiple short sessions throughout the day instead of one long session.

4.      Give Them Attention

If you only give your golden retriever attention when they are hyper, they will continue to repeat this behavior.

Therefore, give them attention only when they are calm to encourage this behavior.

You can give them attention by cuddling or playing different games like tug of war, fetch, hide and seek, bubble chaser, and water games with them.

5.      Set A Routine

A consistent daily routine can help reduce their hyperactivity by teaching them specific times for rest and play.

An unpredictable routine can stress them out because they don’t know what to expect, which makes them more hyper.

Therefore, set a consistent daily routine for feeding, exercise, and rest. This will help reduce anxiety and hyperactivity in your dog.

6.      Socialization

As golden retrievers love interacting with other dogs and people, allow them to play with them to release their energy.

Social interaction can tire them out and reduce hyperactivity. You can do this by taking them to dog parks, playdates, or training classes.

7.      Buy High-quality Toys and Chew Treats

One of the most effective ways of preventing boredom and keeping your golden retriever busy is by giving them pet-safe chew toys or bones.

It provides a constructive outlet for their energy and prevents them from engaging in destructive behaviors.

It is best to buy high-quality safe toys and chews for your dog to prevent harm or injury.

Additionally, check the packaging to see what materials the toys or chews are made of, especially if your dog has allergies.

8.      Avoid Triggers

Understanding the triggers that cause hyperactivity in your golden retrievers may help you manage their behavior more effectively.

Identify and minimize triggers that cause excitement or anxiety in your dog, such as loud noises like fireworks, thunderstorms, or chaotic environments.

9.      Create a Calm Environment

Environmental factors can also affect a dog’s hyperactivity levels.

Provide a quiet and comfortable space for your dog to relax that can help reduce their hyperactivity and promote their overall well-being. 

You can use aromatherapy such as lavender to promote relaxation.

10.  Feed Them a Healthy Diet

What your golden retriever eats can directly impact their behavior.

So, feed your dog high-quality food with a complete, balanced diet that gives them all the nutrients they require.

Ensure the food you give them is as natural as possible, without preservatives and fillers, while providing the correct amount based on their weight and activity level.

Otherwise, food with more calories than your dog requires will provide them with extra energy that will make them restless. 

They would eventually need to burn off excess energy, which may include displaying unwanted and destructive behavior.

Watch out for food sensitivities or allergies if your dog has one, which may suggest switching to a specialized diet that eliminates certain ingredients.

11.  Use Calming Techniques

Practicing gentle massage to promote relaxation as a calming touch also helps soothe a hyper dog.

Deep pressure therapy, such as a weighted blanket or wrap, can also help calm some dogs.

Tellington TTouch is another simple massage technique using small repetitive circular motions to calm a hyper dog.

12.  Consider Professional Help

If your golden retriever’s hyperactivity persists despite all your efforts, it may be time to seek professional help.

Consult with your vet, a professional dog trainer, or a behaviorist to identify the underlying cause of your dog’s behavior and to develop a treatment plan specific to their needs.


We hope this article helped you understand why your golden retriever is so hyper and gave you effective tips for managing their energy levels in a constructive way.

Despite following all the tips, if your golden’s hyperactivity is still excessive and unmanageable, it’s time to seek professional help.

Consulting with a vet or a dog behaviorist will help identify the underlying causes of your dog’s hyperactivity and develop a treatment plan tailored to their condition and needs.

We highly recommend reading this article nextWhen Do Golden Retriever Puppies Get Easier?

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