Why Does My Golden Retriever Sit On Me? (15 KEY REASONS)

Do you find yourself asking, “Why does my golden retriever sit on me?”.

In this article, we will look into all possible reasons why your dog sits on you in detail and whether you should allow them to do so.

Why Does My Golden Retriever Choose to Sit on Me?

Let’s look at the following reasons one by one that explain why your golden retriever sits on you.

1.      Dogs Sit On Us to Show Affection

Have you ever wondered, “Why does my dog sit on my lap and stare at me?”.

Dogs are social animals that crave companionship and physical closeness with their human family members.  

Golden retrievers are known for their affectionate nature and strong bond with their owners.

RECOMMENDED READING: How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection?

They often stare at their owners as a way to express their love and strengthen the bond between them.

Sitting on your lap allows them to be close to you physically while maintaining eye contact, which is a form of social bonding for dogs.

2.      Sitting on You for Security

Dogs often seek comfort and security from their owners, especially when they’re feeling uncertain or anxious.

Sitting on you could be a way for your golden retriever to feel safe and secure, especially if they see you as their trusted companion.

This behavior is usually more common during your puppy’s fear period, where they may become more attached or clingy.

RELATED: Why Are Golden Retrievers So Needy?

Has the thought, “Why does my dog sit on my lap facing away?” ever crossed your mind?

Your dog may feel safe and secure in your lap but prefers to face away.

Well, this position allows them to relax while still enjoying your closeness and protection.

3.      Sitting on You for Warmth

Golden retrievers may sit on their owners for warmth, seeking body heat during cold times.

This may explain – why does my dog sit on my lap with his back to me?

Sitting on your lap with their back to you allows them to benefit from your body heat, helping them stay warm and cozy.

This mutual exchange of body heat where you keep them warm, and in turn, they’ll keep you warm keeps everyone happy.

4.      Resource Guarding

Golden retrievers are typically known for their friendly and gentle nature, but like any dog breed, individual dogs can display resource-guarding behavior and may show a tendency to sit on humans.

Resource guarding occurs when a dog perceives a valuable item (such as food, toys, or space) as their own and may exhibit protective or possessive behavior around it.

This happens when they feel threatened that other dogs or even people may try to steal you away from them.

This behavior can extend to guarding their favorite spots, including sitting on or near their owners.

5.      Sitting on You to Play

Another reason your golden retriever might leap onto your lap can be a signal that they want to initiate playing.

This behavior often occurs when you’re seated on the floor or ground, which your dog interprets as an invitation to engage in playtime.

This is not concerning as it’s all part of the usual bonding process.

If this is indeed why your dog is behaving this way, you may observe additional behaviors such as nuzzling, licking, and whining along with the playtime body language such as the “play bow” position where their backside is raised while the front of their body is lowered as they seek to engage in play with you.

RELATED: Why Do Golden Retrievers Lick So Much?

6.      Maybe They’re Bored

Dogs, like humans, seek stimulation and interaction to keep themselves engaged and entertained.

Sitting on your lap can indicate that your golden retriever is bored and wants to do something.

They may seek your attention by jumping on you or trying to initiate play.

Providing physical exercise, mental stimulation, interactive play, training sessions, puzzle toys, walks, varied toys, and quality time can help address this behavior and fulfill their need for activity and attention.

7.      Comfort for Thunderstorms and Fireworks

Many dogs seek comfort from their owners during thunderstorms and fireworks due to fear and anxiety caused by loud noises and bright flashes.

The loud noises and unpredictable nature of these events can be distressing for dogs, leading them to seek reassurance and safety from their trusted humans.

This can be a reason which explains why your golden retriever sits on you at certain times but not always.

8.      Scent and Familiarity

Dogs can link smells to experiences like food, playtime, and comfort, triggering positive feelings when they detect familiar scents.

Simply being near you and smelling your scent can release feel-good hormones in dogs.

However, we often overlook their ability to form associations with scents.

Some wonder, “Why does my dog sit on me and not my husband?”.

Dogs may feel more comfortable and familiar with certain individuals based on their scent, body language, and overall demeanor.

If your dog finds your presence calming or reassuring, they may naturally gravitate towards sitting on your lap.

9.      Behavior of the Breed

Golden retrievers are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, which can include sitting on their owners.

This behavior is often seen as part of the breed’s characteristics, as they enjoy being close to their human companions and seek physical contact for comfort and bonding purposes.

10.  Dogs True Loyalty Is Real

Golden retrievers sitting on their owners can indeed be attributed to their strong loyalty and affectionate nature.

This behavior reflects the deep bond and attachment they form with their human family members.

Golden retrievers are known for their devotion and desire to be close to their loved ones, and sitting on you is a way for them to show their loyalty, love, and desire for companionship.

11.  Cuddle Time

Your golden retriever likely sees sitting on you as a way to bond and enjoy cuddle time with you.

They may seek comfort and security in your presence, and sitting on your lap provides them with the physical closeness they crave.

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle?

12.  It’s A Learned Behavior

When your golden retriever sits on you, it can be a learned behavior based on positive experiences and reinforcement.

They may associate sitting on your lap with affection, comfort, and bonding, leading them to repeat the behavior to seek closeness and attention.

This behavior reflects their desire for positive interactions and companionship with their owners.

13.  Anxiety

Dogs may exhibit various behaviors when they are anxious, such as pacing, whining, hiding, or seeking close contact with their owners.

Common causes of anxiety in dogs can include loud noises (like thunderstorms or fireworks), separation anxiety, changes in routine, or unfamiliar environments.

Anxiety is seen in dogs who have never been left alone while they were young or when a clingy dog is left alone for an extended period by the people they are attached to.

Dogs experiencing separation anxiety seek constant companionship and may display distress when left alone, often expressing this through crying, whimpering, and sometimes destructive behavior.

They may also try to prevent you from leaving by sitting on you.

Being close to their human reduces anxiety and makes them feel good.

RECOMMENDED READING: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

14.  You Make Them Feel Safe

Your golden retriever sitting on you is often a sign that you make them feel safe.

Particularly if you had them since they were a puppy, sitting on you can provide them with a sense of safety and protection.

This behavior reflects their strong bond with you and their trust in your presence to provide comfort during uncertain or stressful situations.

15.  Because They Sat On You as Puppies

Golden retrievers, like many dogs, may sit on their owners due to behaviors they learned as puppies.

If your dog was allowed or encouraged to sit on their owner’s lap when they were a puppy, they may continue this behavior into adulthood.

This sitting behavior can stem from a desire for closeness, comfort, and the positive associations formed during their early development stages.

It’s essential to understand that dogs often carry learned behaviors from puppyhood into adulthood, shaping their interactions and preferences with their owners.

Should I Let My Golden Retriever Sit On Me?

Whether or not you should let your golden retriever sit on you depends on your personal preferences.

If you don’t want your dog lying or sitting on you, try these tips.

1.      Teach Them to Lay Somewhere Else

Set up comfortable and inviting spots nearby, such as a dog bed or a mat, where your dog can sit or lie down comfortably instead of sitting on you.

2.      Use Plenty of Treats

Encourage your golden retriever to use the designated spots by rewarding them with treats and praise when they choose to sit or lie there instead of on you.

3.      Use a Blanket to Mark Out a Lying Zone

If you don’t mind your dog lying beside you on the sofa or bed but at the same time you want your surroundings to stay clean, simply teach them that the blanket is a designated area specifically for them.

So, they can sit or lay on it whenever they want.

4.      Sit in a Chair So They Can’t Sit On You

Select a comfortable chair that allows you to sit comfortably without your dog being able to easily sit on your lap.

Encourage your dog to sit or lie down in their own designated spot, such as a dog bed or a specific area in the room.

You can try sitting in an armchair for a few days but let them lay close by.

5.      Ignore Them by Standing Up And Turning Away

If you don’t want your dog to sit on you, simply stand up and turn away whenever they try.

Avoid acknowledging them until they demonstrate more suitable behavior, like sitting beside you.

6.      Be Consistent

Consistency is key in training.

Reinforce the desired behavior consistently and gently discourage sitting on you without being harsh or punitive.

7.      Redirect Unwanted Behavior

When your dog tries to sit on you, gently guide them to the designated spot using a command like “Go to your bed” or “Settle”.

Reward and praise them when they comply.

8.      Provide Mental and Physical Stimulation

Ensure your golden retriever gets enough exercise, playtime, and mental stimulation throughout the day.

It is a great way to reduce any unwanted behaviors in your dog.

A well-exercised and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to seek constant attention or physical contact by sitting on you as they get to spend enough quality time with you.

9.      Seek Professional Help if Needed

If your dog’s behavior persists despite consistent training efforts, consider consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

They can assess the situation, provide tailored advice, and help address any underlying issues contributing to the behavior.

Should I Be Worried That My Golden Retriever Is Sitting On Me?

In most cases, there is no need to be worried if your dog sits on you.

Dogs sitting on their owners is a common behavior and can indicate various things such as seeking affection, feeling comfortable and secure, or simply enjoying your company.

It often reflects the strong bond and trust they have with you as their owner.

However, if your golden retriever’s behavior changes suddenly or if they show signs of distress, discomfort, or aggression while sitting on you, it’s essential to pay attention and investigate further.

RELATED: Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Being Aggressive?

Regular veterinary check-ups and positive training techniques can help address your dog’s concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Why does my golden retriever like to stand on me?

Golden retrievers might stand on their owners as a form of affection, attention-seeking, or to express their comfort and security. They may do it simply because they view their human as part of their pack and seek closeness.

2.    Why does my golden retriever like to sleep on me?

Golden retrievers might like to sleep on you for various reasons including seeking comfort, security, and warmth. This behavior can also indicate their desire for closeness and bonding, or it might be a sign of separation anxiety when they miss you. Additionally, your response to their closeness, such as petting or giving attention, can reinforce this behavior as rewarding for them.

3.    Does my dog think I’m his mom?

While your dog recognizes you’re not their biological “mom,” they do see you as their caregiver, protector, and part of their family, forming a deep emotional bond akin to that of a parent.

4.    Does my dog know I love him?

Yes, your dog does know you love him. The release of oxytocin, often called the “love chemical,” occurs in both dogs and humans during positive interactions, indicating that dogs can feel and reciprocate love. Signs that your dog knows and returns your love include staring at you, snuggling, gently wagging their tail, licking you, and leaning against you​.


Regarding your query Why does my golden retriever sit on me”, there’s no need for concern. This behavior is often seen as part of the breed’s characteristics, as they enjoy being close to their human companions and seek physical contact for comfort and bonding purposes.

However, if your golden retriever’s behavior persists despite consistent training effort, changes suddenly, or shows signs of distress, discomfort, or aggression while sitting on you, it’s essential to pay attention and investigate further by consulting with a professional dog trainer or a behaviorist.

If you’re interested in exploring other behaviors of your golden retriever, check out these articles next:

Why Do Golden Retrievers Paw at You?

Do Golden Retrievers Get Jealous?

Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere?

Unveiling Golden Retriever Quirks: 45 Behavior Facts

Why Do Golden Retrievers Carry Things?

Do Golden Retrievers Like to Sleep With Their Owners? 

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Why Do Golden Retrievers Smile?

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