Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere? (REVEALED!)

As a golden retriever owner, you’ve likely pondered this question – why does my golden retriever follow me everywhere?

In this article, we will discover the reasons why your golden retriever follows you everywhere and what steps can be taken to better manage this behavior.

Table of Contents

Why Does my Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere After…

Several different scenarios tell why your golden retriever follows you everywhere. Let’s discuss these below one by one.

Why does my golden retriever follow me everywhere after I come home?

This scenario depicts the natural behavior of golden retrievers. They express their strong bond with the owner after their absence, possibly due to separation anxiety or excitement.

RECOMMENDED READING: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

Why does my golden retriever follow me everywhere after eating?

Dogs thrive on routine, and if following you around after eating becomes a consistent part of their routine, it can become a habit. Or this behavior may be a way to seek more food or attention.

Why does my golden retriever follow me everywhere after a walk? 

Owners might be curious about this behavior but they may follow you after walk simply because it has become part of their post-walk routine. It may also be due to their continued desire for exercise or companionship.

Why does my golden retriever follow me everywhere after I’ve been sick?

This is a specific scenario where your golden retriever’s behavior of following you everywhere after your sickness is likely a combination of their strong bond with you, empathy towards your condition, the disruption of routine, and a sense of gratitude for the care you’ve provided. 

Why does my golden retriever follow me everywhere after a new pet arrives?

This query could stem from concerns about various behavioral changes due to jealousy, curiosity, feelings of competition, or insecurity arising from the new pet’s arrival.

RELATED: Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats?

Also read: Do Golden Retrievers Get Jealous?

Why does my golden retriever follow me everywhere after we move to a new house?

When you move to a new house, your golden retriever may exhibit temporary clingy behavior for several reasons like anxiety and stress due to the unfamiliar surroundings, exploration of the new house, seeking reassurance and comfort, or establishing territory ensuring that you are part of their pack in the unfamiliar environment.

Watch this funny video of a golden retriever following their owner everywhere in the house!

Reasons Why My Golden Retriever Follows Me Everywhere

Given below are various reasons which explain why your golden retriever follows you everywhere.

1.    Your Dog Loves You

Golden Retrievers are known for their affectionate and loyal nature

RECOMMENDED READING: How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection? 

If your dog follows you everywhere then it’s most likely a sign that they love and adore you. You make them feel happy, secure, and safe.

2.    They Get Rewards When They Follow You

If your dog follows you around, instead of ignoring them, you consistently reward them by cuddling them, patting them, or giving them a nibble of food, you are reinforcing a positive association with that behavior.

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle?

Over time, your golden retriever will likely develop a habit of following you, anticipating the positive experience that comes with it.

3.    They’re Bored

Being bored can be a big contributing factor as to why your golden retriever follows you. 

By following you around they’re looking for something to do, seeking your attention and stimulation, which is common for this energetic and social breed. 

Therefore, if their attention isn’t directed towards anything else, then they will follow you around because there isn’t anything exciting for them to do.

4.    They Want to Know What’s Going On

Dogs are naturally inquisitive and love to know what’s going on. 

If your golden retriever is following you around, it’s likely because they are interested in what you’re doing. 

As they are naturally curious dogs, they like to explore their surroundings and be involved in whatever is happening.

5.    They’re Waiting for You

Most dogs who always wait beside the door suffer from separation anxiety

The dog saw you last near that door, thus they will wait beside it.

They will generally express great joy at their owner’s return. 

Isolation during the day can also make some dogs anxious to the point that they won’t eat their food until their owner returns.

A dog might also just be nervous to be alone. If your golden retriever is extremely attached to you, they will follow you around the house.

6.    Daily Routine

Dogs remember their daily routines. After getting into a set routine your dog will expect more of the same.

If it’s nearly time to go for a walk or be fed, your golden retriever will get excited around those times and may follow you around hoping you’ll do it soon. 

Therefore, they want to stick to the routine of being with you all the time.

7.    It’s a Natural Behavior

As dogs are social animals by nature, following you everywhere is their natural social behavior. They love to watch and follow what you do.

Constantly staying by your side is their way of telling you that they love you and want to be with you.

8.    Bred to Work with Humans

Golden retrievers were bred to have certain characteristics that make them well-suited to work alongside humans. 

Remember they used to retrieve the shot waterfowl for the hunters back in the day!

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Hunt?

Thus, golden retrievers might naturally look to their owners for direction and follow them.

9.    Reinforced Bond

The strong bond between golden retrievers and their owners is often a result of a reinforced bond built on positive experiences, trust, and mutual affection.

Several factors contribute to the development and strengthening of this bond such as spending quality time together, consistency in routine, establishing clear communication and understanding, and having shared experiences like exploring new places or playing games.

10. Sleeping in Your Bed

Sharing a bed with your golden retriever can create a deeper and more reinforced bond with you.

RECOMMENDED READING: Do Golden Retrievers Like to Sleep With Their Owners?

It’s also very effective in creating a trusting bond between you and your dog, making them more likely to follow you for closeness and safety.

11. They’re Nervous or Afraid

If your golden retriever is timid, shy, or has a troubled past, they might follow you for reassurance and protection.

Certain noises like fireworks or thunderstorms are terrifying to some dogs so they may cling to their pet parents during these times. 

RELATED: Why Are Golden Retrievers So Needy?

Your dog sees you as their protector so staying near you keeps them calm, and makes them feel safe and secure.

12. Trying to Tell You Something or Unmet Needs

By following you, they are trying to communicate or tell you that they need or want something. 

They may need to go to the bathroom, they may want to play, or may be asking you to feed them. 

Your golden retriever may also start following you everywhere to tell you they don’t feel well or are sick. Sometimes they just try to get you to notice something.

Check out this video of a golden retriever constantly following their owner!

Is It a Problem That My Golden Retriever Follows Me Everywhere?

In general, a golden retriever following you everywhere is not necessarily a problem; in fact, it often indicates a strong bond and attachment between you and your dog. 

Golden retrievers are known for their affectionate and loyal nature, and they often enjoy being close to their owners. 

But if you notice signs of anxiety or behavioral issues, or if you simply want to encourage more independence, you may want to consult a dog trainer or behaviorist.

Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere All Of A Sudden?

Observing your golden retriever’s body language, and overall behavior, and considering any recent changes in their environment or routine can help you better understand the reason behind their sudden clinginess.

However, they might suddenly follow you everywhere because of attachment and bonding, attention-seeking behavior, and anxiety and insecurity. 

They will also stick close to your side if they are nervous, afraid, uncertain of strangers, or not feeling well.

Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere But No One Else?

Dog parents sometimes wonder, “Why does my dog follow me everywhere but no one else?”.

Although it is the breed’s natural characteristics, dogs will often single out one person to follow. This shows their strong bond with their owners. 

They will generally follow the person who takes them to the things they want most like food, walks, and plays with other dogs.

Do Dogs Pick a Favorite Person?

Yes, dogs develop favorite individuals over time based on positive experiences and positive associations with that person

However, it’s important to note that individual dogs vary in their personalities and preferences. 

While some dogs may have a clear favorite person, others may be more social and enjoy interacting with various people.

Additionally, a dog’s preferences can change over time based on experiences and interactions.

Why Does My Puppy Follow Me Everywhere?

Puppies rely on their mothers to show them the ways of the world. 

When they are separated from their mother and siblings and as you become their new family, they will follow you to learn what they need to know about their environment.

RELATED: When Can Golden Retriever Puppies Leave Their Mother?

Some puppies may experience separation anxiety, especially when they are still getting used to their new home. 

Following you can be a way for them to cope with the fear of being alone. Your presence provides comfort and a sense of protection for them.

Why Is My Old Dog Following Me Everywhere Suddenly?

Elderly dogs are more prone to developing illnesses and chronic conditions. Therefore, any new behavior could also be a signal of a medical problem. 

Perhaps your old dog is starting to lose their hearing or vision. 

Moreover, they may have started to have joint problems or other age-related issues, so they are less independent than they were. 

They may seek comfort and security by staying close to you.

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (similar to dementia in humans) is common in older dogs. 

Common symptoms include disorientation, change in sleep-wake cycles, and anxiety. 

Dogs with cognitive dysfunction may display clingy behavior as a way to cope with it.

Why Does My Rescue Dog Follow Me Everywhere?

Rescue dogs have been abandoned by their family and they don’t want it to happen again. 

This is especially common if the dog has experienced previous trauma along with abandonment. 

They think that if they stay with you, they are less likely to be abandoned again. 

Why Does My Dog Follow Me to the Toilet?

Your dog may join you for a bathroom break because they’re curious about what you’re about to do. 

Following are the reasons why your dog follows you to the toilet.

  • They’re interested in the sounds and smells associated with the bathroom.
  • Dogs may see the toilet as a small, enclosed space where you are vulnerable. By following you, they may be expressing a desire to protect you.
  • They may be excited about getting a bath or playing with water.
  • You have a history of reinforcing your dog for coming to the bathroom with you.
  • They enjoy sniffing through and tearing up the open garbage cans in the toilet.

RECOMMENDED READING: Do Golden Retrievers Like Water?

Check out this video of a golden retriever following their owner into the bathroom!

Why Does My Puppy Follow My Older Dog?

Your puppy may follow your older dog because:

  • Your puppy simply enjoys being in the company of an older dog.
  • By following the older dog, your puppy can pick up important social skills, learn about the environment, and understand how to navigate various situations.
  • Copying them comes naturally and plays an important part in social bonding.
  • Your puppy may follow the older dog as a way of recognizing the older dog’s authority and seeking guidance.
  • The older dog can provide a sense of security and protection, which is comforting for the puppy.

Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere And Stare At Me?

It is a natural behavior of a dog following you. It shows how much they love, trust, and adore you. 

But other reasons like curiosity, boredom, anxiety, and daily routine can also be the reason. 

Just as humans stare into the eyes of someone they adore, dogs will stare at their owners to express love and affection.

Dogs stare at you a lot to gain knowledge about their environment. 

For example, if you pick up a leash it’s a signal that tells them the outside trip is on its way.

Staring also occurs if your dog wants your attention or simply wants to tell you something

For example, if your dog needs a potty break, they might wait by the door and stare at you. 

Or, if you are eating in front of your dog, they might stare at you indicating that they are hungry.

RELATED: Why Is My Golden Retriever Always Hungry?

In some cases, they might be staring at you so that you can notice their discomfort due to an illness.

Hard eye contact is a sign of aggression in dogs. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Being Aggressive?

If a dog gives a hard stare without blinking and a stiff posture, it may be a warning to back off. They mostly may do this to a stranger, if your dog thinks they need to protect you.

Why Is My Newly Adopted Dog Following Me Around?

Your newly adopted dog may have been a victim of separation anxiety before coming into your life. They might follow you to seek comfort and security.

The new environment can be overwhelming for a newly adopted dog. 

If your dog is unsure about the environment or is seeking direction, they may choose to follow you as a way to understand what is expected of them. 

Which Breeds Are More Likely to Follow You Around?

Dogs have been bred by humans for a very long time. Each breed was created for a specific purpose, with traits that best fit their function.  

Some breeds may follow you more than others simply because it’s their nature.

Some dogs have been bred to spend lots of time with their master and watch their every move for the next instruction. These might include:

  • Hungarian Vizslas
  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Border Collies
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Shetland Sheepdogs

Some toy breeds have been bred to be lap dogs and may be most comfortable being close to you and might follow you around. These might include:

  • Affenpinschers
  • Chihuahuas
  • Maltese
  • Pugs
  • French Bulldogs
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Breeds that were bred to guard may prefer to stick close to their owners, including:

  • German Shepherds
  • Dobermann

What to Do If Your Golden Retriever Always Follows You Around? 

Although your golden retriever following you around isn’t a cause of concern, if it’s too much for you then you can try these tips.

1.    Consult a Professional

If you feel that your dog follows you too much, or panics when they can’t follow you, it’s time to take action. 

It will help to consult your vet for advice, particularly if your dog becomes overly anxious when separated from you.

2.    Exercise and Mental Stimulation

A tired dog is a calm dog and less likely to continually follow their owners around due to boredom. 

Make sure your golden retriever gets enough physical and mental exercise.

Regular walks, playtime, and mental stimulation through food-filled toys, treat dispensers or puzzle toys can help satisfy their energy and curiosity.

3.    Evaluate Your Role

Pet parents should consider if they are reinforcing their dog’s behavior

Avoid petting, looking at, or giving treats to your dog when they follow you, as this encourages the behavior.

4.    Provide Distractions

Try distracting your golden retriever by offering them food puzzles, toys, and activities near their dog bed to encourage independent play and reduce boredom​​.

5.    Ignore the Behavior

If it seems your dog follows you for attention or to get something, try ignoring them. 

Reward them when they are well-behaved and not following you​​​​.

6.    Set a Consistent Routine

Dogs are great at following habits so create a consistent routine for them to follow. 

Besides including plenty of snuggles and playtime, set aside a time when your dog can practice being alone.

Start with 5 minutes of alone time with a lot of distractions. Gradually increase the duration. 

For the time that your golden retriever is quiet, praise and reward them. This can help your dog get an idea of what you expect.

7.    Teach Them to Stay

Start teaching them to stay where they are and then gradually increase the distance and time. 

Give them a reward to encourage this behavior. The “stay” command will also help them learn a pattern of staying alone.

8.    Go to Bed Command

Teaching your dog to go to their bed can give them a place to go when you need some space. They can relax there instead of following you or being in your lap all the time.

The process of teaching them this is similar to other training commands like “sit” and “stay” except you will be showing them where to go when you say the word bed.

Leave toys or treats close to their bed to encourage them. Reward when they go and lay down on it.

9.    Share Responsibilities

If your golden retriever is particularly clingy, have other people like your family members, neighbors or friends walk your dog and provide meals so that they have a chance to bond with everyone

This will help in reducing their reliance on a single person.

10. Accept Their Nature

Remember that dogs, especially breeds like golden retrievers, thrive on companionship and social interaction.

Some level of following behavior is typical and should be accepted as part of their nature.

11. Love and Attention

Spend quality time with your golden retriever so that they can feel your love and attention. 

As they are naturally attention-seeking, doing this helps strengthen your bond while satisfying their need for attention.

12. Use an Interactive Dog Monitor

Consider technology solutions like interactive dog monitors to communicate and reward your dog remotely. 

By doing this, they wouldn’t feel lonely. Instead, they would feel safe and secure even when you are not around physically.

This Furbo 360° Dog Camera allows you to talk and toss treats to your dog among many other innovative features!

13. Restrict Their Access

Use baby gates for your golden retrievers to limit their movement around the house.

Providing them with toys and treats in their designated area can also help to distract and entertain them, but also keep them from following you.

14. Desensitize Your Dog

If your golden retriever is in the habit of getting up every time you do, you can repeatedly get up and sit down to teach them that your movements don’t always mean something significant.

This way when they will get tired, they will stop following you. Don’t turn it into a game, but just ignore them until they get bored.


Understanding “Why does my golden retriever follow me around all the time” offers insight into their loyal nature, but also prompts us to consider other possible reasons behind this behavior.

It’s important to recognize that golden retrievers can display a variety of behaviors in terms of following their owners. The key is to establish a balance that makes you comfortable with how much your dog follows you.

If you’ve tried various methods but see no improvement, consider seeking advice from a vet or a dog trainer.

We recommend reading this article next to understand this adorable breed better.

Unveiling Golden Retriever Quirks: 45 Behavior Facts

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