Why Do Golden Retrievers Love Mud? (11 Reasons Explained)

As a golden retriever owner, you’ve probably noticed it’s impossible to keep your dog away from muddy puddles. They love to go in these puddles, and it becomes annoying when they jump into them, especially after a bath. Finally, you ask yourself “Why do golden retrievers love mud?”.

The information below reveals all the reasons why your golden retriever loves mud and strategies you can apply to prevent them from muddy spots.

Why Do Golden Retrievers Love Mud So Much?

Whether you like it or not, dogs naturally love mud. Here are the reasons why your golden retriever just can’t resist mud.

1.    Instinctual Behavior

Playing in the mud is simply a natural behavior for dogs. Dogs have been rolling in mud for centuries and it is a behavior that brings them joy and contentment.

Golden retrievers have ancestral roots in hunting and retrieving dogs.

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Part of their natural behavior includes digging, exploring, and interacting with their environment as they were also bred for outdoor work which required them to get dirty and muddy.

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2.    It’s A Great Way to Cool Off

Many animals will use mud as a perfect way to cool off on a hot day. Mud is moist and feels cooler so its coating will help cool off your golden retriever.

Mud also serves as a natural sunscreen, protecting from harmful UV rays.

A thin coating of wet mud will protect your golden retriever from the heat acting as an extra barrier between their skin and the sun.

Thus, this coolness effect makes mud puddles even more appealing to your dog as it provides a convenient way for them to cool down and feel more comfortable.

3.    Trying to Mask Their Scent

Dogs inherit predatory instincts from their wild ancestors, and rolling in dirt is rooted in these instincts.

It allows your golden retriever to mask their scent while hunting, making it challenging for their prey to detect them through sight or smell.

Your dog believes that when covered in mud while chasing prey like rabbits or squirrels, all the prey sees is a large, moving pile of dirt or poo, allowing them to remain undetected.

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4.    It’s Fun

For dogs, mud is a source of fun and entertainment. Many of them find it hard to resist playing in mud.

Besides having fun playing in the mud, golden retrievers just like getting dirty. Mud satisfies their instincts and they find it enjoyable to get messy.

They may simply enjoy the sensation of jumping, splashing, digging, and rolling around in the mud.

Getting dirty can be a stimulating activity for them, bringing immense pleasure and chasing away boredom.

5.    Learned Behavior

If you react by laughing at your golden, it could become a learned behavior, making them think you enjoy it when they splash in the mud.

Especially when they were just puppies and seemed cute splashing and rolling around in the mud, as they grow into adult dogs, their habit of running through mud is reinforced by this learned behavior.

6.    They Don’t Like Their Current Scent

We love it when our dogs smell fantastic after using scented shampoo, but have you noticed that each time you bathe your golden retriever, they run to the nearest puddle of mud?

It’s simply because when bathed, their natural smell is removed. So, they cover themselves in mud to strip themselves of any scents or fragrances from dog shampoo and restore their unique dog scent.

7.    Reminds Them of Water

Water can also be stimulating for dogs both physically and visually. Many dogs love water and are simply obsessed with playing in it.

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A mud puddle can resemble a pool of water, causing many dogs to jump right in.

Mud puddles are like shallow pools of water mixed with dirt, making them extra fun for dogs, especially if they don’t have access to a swimming pool or lake.

If your golden retriever loves being near water, they’ll likely be equally drawn to muddy spots, especially huge muddy puddles, which can be quite tempting for some dogs.

8.    They Like the Taste

Interestingly, some dogs may find the taste of mud enjoyable. Although it might seem unpleasant to us, it’s a natural behavior for them.

Occasionally munching on mud or dirt while playing is quite common, possibly due to the presence of old food or a dead bird in the mud.

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However, if your golden retriever starts doing this regularly, consult your vet, as there could be underlying health conditions or nutritional deficiencies in their diet.  

9.    Environmental Factors

If your golden retriever sees other dogs or animals in the household enjoying mud, they may also be influenced to join in.

Dogs often learn behaviors from their surroundings, and seeing other animals enjoying mud could influence a golden retriever’s interest.

10. They Like the Texture

Golden retrievers love to explore and enjoy their surroundings. They enjoy playing in the mud because it satisfies their natural instincts to dig and experience different sensations.

Mud possesses a distinctive texture that dogs may find satisfying to dig into and roll around in. It combines softness, squishiness, and coolness, unlike water.

When dogs roll and rub their bodies in mud, they leave their scent behind, marking their territory and telling other dogs, “I was here!”.

Due to the unique texture of mud, it can provide relief from skin irritations or itching and has a cooling effect that helps alleviate discomfort. Some dogs may naturally seek out mud to find relief from these issues.

11. Natural Conditioner for Their Coat

Rolling in mud can be beneficial for maintaining the health of your golden retriever’s coat. Mud naturally conditions and moisturizes their fur, preventing it from becoming dry and brittle.

Moreover, it helps remove loose fur and debris, promoting a healthier coat and reducing shedding.

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Mud also provides relief to dogs experiencing skin issues like allergies or hot spots. The minerals and nutrients in mud have properties that can alleviate irritated skin and serve as a natural treatment for common skin issues.

How to Keep Your Golden Retriever Away from Mud?

Golden retrievers have a natural inclination to roll in the mud. Thus, you can’t stop them from liking the mud. However, several methods can help in minimizing their exposure to mud.

1.    Distract Them with Toys and Games

Distract your golden retriever from muddy areas by giving them toys or other fun activities they enjoy. This can include playing a game of fetch or tug of war.

2.    Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a good way to break any bad habits of your golden retriever. Rolling and running in mud can be considered a bad habit if they are overdoing it. Use positive reinforcement methods to teach them to stay away from mud puddles.

You can achieve this by firmly saying “No” each time they attempt to approach a muddy area. They will learn that this behavior is unacceptable.

Alternatively, you can simply walk away each time your golden retriever dives into a puddle. This teaches them that this behavior will deprive them of your attention.

Be patient, as this training takes time, and consistency guarantees success. Whenever your golden retriever successfully avoids mud or responds well to your commands, reward them with praise or their favorite treats to encourage the desired behavior.

3.    Regular Exercise

Golden retrievers are energetic dogs that require regular exercise. Ensuring they receive adequate daily exercise can help reduce their desire to explore muddy areas due to boredom.

4.    Balanced Diet

If your golden retriever’s diet lacks essential nutrients such as vitamins or minerals, they may seek alternative sources to fulfill their nutritional needs.

Mud or dirt might contain minerals or other substances that a dog craves if their diet is deficient.

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If they continue to eat mud excessively, get them checked by a vet and provide them with a balanced diet.

5.    Keep Them On a Leash

Keeping your golden retriever on a leash outside will allow you to control their movements.

Whether they are out for potty breaks or walks, you can prevent them from jumping in the mud by gently pulling them away whenever they try to reach muddy areas.

RELATED: How to Leash Train Your Golden Retriever? (Step-by-Step Guide)

6.    Provide Alternative

It’s natural for your golden retriever to look for mud puddles during hot weather. Provide them alternative ways to cool off like a small pool with water.

7.    Prevent Your Golden Retriever from Getting into Muddy Areas

There are numerous methods to prevent your golden retriever from getting into muddy areas.

You can block the muddy area in the yard by fencing it, keep your dog indoors until the puddles in the garden have dried up, or cover the muddy spot with patches of grass.

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8.    Use Unscented Shampoos

Golden retrievers like their natural scent. Each time you bathe them, they run and jump in the mud. This is simply because they don’t like the fragrance of their shampoo.

If you encounter this problem often, consider using an unscented shampoo or trying a different one altogether.

9.    Use a Waterproof Vest

Opting for a waterproof or easy-to-clean dog jacket or vest can help minimize the mud that gets on their fur and in your home.

10. Prevent Dirt from Entering the Home

After every walk or play session in the mud, wipe your golden retriever’s paws with a damp cloth or a doggy wipe, then dry them before they enter your home.

Keeping door mats or towels at the entrance of your home can also help absorb any excess mud. By taking these steps, you can prevent mud from getting into your home.


It’s natural for golden retrievers to love mud since they enjoy exploring and getting dirty. Therefore, you cannot force them to dislike something that is instinctual. However, you can take steps to prevent them from getting messy in muddy puddles, which will help keep the house clean and save you the trouble of bathing them each time they get dirty.

If you’ve tried all the measures and still struggle to keep your golden retriever away from muddy areas, seeking advice from a professional dog trainer could be beneficial.

You can check out these articles next to understand your golden retriever’s behavior better:

Why Do Golden Retrievers Lick Their Paws? (Get the Facts!)

Why Do Golden Retrievers Grunt? (The Truth You Need to Know)

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