What Fruits Can Golden Retrievers Not Eat? (12 Toxic Fruits)

As a pet parent, you may wonder if it’s safe for your golden retriever to eat fruits and which ones can be toxic to them. In this article, we thoroughly researched and listed down fruits that they shouldn’t eat for their well-being.  

Golden retrievers can’t eat fruits like avocados, cherries, grapes, raisins, sultanas, tomatoes, star fruit, grapefruit, plums, lemons, limes, and currants as they can be harmful to them and cause serious health complications. 

It’s also important to note that safe fruits for golden retrievers should still be given in moderation and with proper care. In this article, you will learn in detail about the fruits golden retrievers cannot eat, some of the safe fruits for this dog breed, their nutritional benefits, and how to feed them safely. 

Should Dogs Eat Fruits?

Yes, dogs should eat fruits in moderation as they can be nutritious in addition to their well-balanced and high-quality dog food. Some fruits are a great source of essential nutrients that can help support your dog’s overall health. 

Furthermore, fruits are usually low in calories and fat and are a great source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Nutritional Benefits of Fruits for Dogs

Here are some of the nutritional benefits of fruits for golden retrievers or dogs in general.

1.    Vitamins

Fruits are usually rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E and can help boost your dog’s overall health. 

A study suggests the importance of Vitamin A in dogs for supporting reproduction, vision, bone growth, and immune response. 

Some safe fruits for dogs contain vitamins B6 and B12, which help with enzyme function, red blood cell and nervous system function, immune system, and hormone regulation. 

Healthy fruits for dogs, like apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, and watermelon, contain vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for immune system function and reducing inflammation and cognitive aging.

Fruits like mango and blackberries are high in vitamin E. This vitamin ensures healthy cell function and fat metabolism. 

A study in dogs with osteoarthritis, when given high doses of vitamin E supplements, showed a decline in inflammation joint markers and improving signs of pain. 

2.    Minerals

Fruits are also a great source of minerals, including phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.

Fruits like peaches, cantaloupe, and blueberries contain phosphorus, which is essential for maintaining a healthy bone structure along with calcium. It also facilitates maintaining cell structures and cell energy production. 

Potassium, found in bananas and cantaloupe, also helps maintain a healthy heart and ensures proper nerve and muscle functions. 

Magnesium is another mineral found in fruits like bananas, raspberries, and cantaloupe that helps with the absorption of other minerals like potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. 

Magnesium deficiency in dogs can lead to severe muscle pain, behavioral changes, muscle trembling, abnormal heart rhythms, and weakness. 

3.    Antioxidants

Fruits contain various antioxidants, which can help protect your dog’s cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. 

Antioxidants can also help support immune system function and reduce inflammation. 

Some fruits, such as raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries, are exceptionally high in antioxidants and can provide additional health benefits.

Research suggests that antioxidants can reduce DNA damage, which can lead to a boost in immunological performance. 

4.    Fibre

Raspberries, blackberries, pears, strawberries, apples, mangoes, and bananas are some of the best natural sources for dogs to get fiber. 

Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, improving digestion, regulating bowel movement, reducing the symptoms of diarrhea and constipation, and preventing the overgrowth of bad bacteria. 

Health Benefits of Specific Fruits for Dogs

What fruits are good for golden retriever dogs? Different types of fruits can provide additional health benefits for dogs. Following are only some of the best fruits for dogs and their potential uses. 


Apples are the best source of fiber, antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin C. They can help clean your dog’s teeth during chewing and even freshen their breath. 

Apples can be a great treat for your dog to satisfy their sweet tooth without putting on weight from other sugary and unhealthy treats. 

The high fiber content in apples can help regulate digestion, while the antioxidants help avoid chronic diseases such as cancer.

You must thoroughly wash them to get rid of pesticides, germs, and bacteria. The seeds contain cyanide, a toxin that can be harmful to your dog. So, get rid of the core and seeds. 

Also, remove the stem to avoid choking. Peeling the apple may make digestion easier for your dog and even minimize the fiber content. Cut it into small chunks before serving. 


Bananas are a great source of potassium, fiber, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. 

They provide a quick energy boost for active dogs as they are high in carbs and sugar. They can also be a great treat while preventing digestion-related issues, promoting bone growth, and aiding in the absorption of vitamins.

Provide them in moderation only to avoid an upset stomach. Don’t forget to remove the peels, as they are hard to digest and cause blockage issues. 


Blueberries are packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, which help to support your dog’s immune system and digestive health. They also contain vitamin E and B6 in small amounts. 

You can give your golden retriever fresh or frozen blueberries as a treat. Of course, just like any other fruit, make sure not to give in excess. Wash them properly before your dog can eat them.


Strawberries are considered a great source of vitamin C, vitamin B9, and potassium. They can also provide small amounts of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin B6 and E.  

Strawberries can help promote healthy teeth and gums. They contain malic acid, which has bleaching properties and can help whiten teeth. You may also find malic acid in your toothpaste!

Don’t forget to wash strawberries properly. You can give them either fresh or frozen (especially during hot summers). 

To prevent choking, cut them into small chunks. Although strawberry leaves aren’t toxic, you should still remove them to prevent digestion issues or any harm to the GI tract.


Watermelon is an ideal source of vitamin C and a decent source of potassium, vitamin B5, and vitamin A. 

It’s a great hydrating fruit with a high water content and low calories to help keep your dog hydrated during scorching days. 

RELATED: How Much Water Should a Golden Retriever Puppy Drink?

You must remove the seeds and rind from the watermelon to prevent intestinal blockage and an upset stomach. 

After removing the seeds and rind, you can cut small chunks of watermelon and freeze them or make a puree out of it and freeze them in an ice cube container! 

How to Feed Fruits to Golden Retrievers Safely?

Feeding fruits to your golden retriever is a healthy and tasty addition to their already well-balanced diet. Following are some guidelines to follow when feeding fruits to your dog to ensure their safety and well-being. 

1.    Consult Your Vet

It’s crucial to talk to your vet before introducing any new food or fruit into your golden retriever’s diet. Just like it’s essential to ask your vet, “When should my golden retriever puppy switch to adult food?”.

Every dog is unique, and some fruits may not be healthy for your dog based on various factors like health history, age, diet, and health conditions. 

If your dog is on a prescription diet, you must not feed them anything else outside their diet. 

2.    Choose Dog-Safe Fruits

While many fruits are safe for dogs, it’s essential to avoid certain fruits that can be toxic or harmful to them, as we will discuss later in this article. 

Some fruits to avoid feeding your golden retriever include grapes, raisins, cherries, avocados, and tomatoes. (Find the detailed list below) 

These fruits can cause various health issues, from gastrointestinal upset to kidney failure. Always research the safety of a particular fruit before offering it to your dog.

3.    Introduce Fruits Gradually

When introducing fruits to your golden retriever’s diet, you should consult your vet first. However, you can start with small amounts and observe their reaction. Dogs may have different sensitivities and digestive systems, so monitoring their response is essential. 

Try introducing one type of fruit at a time, waiting a few days before starting another, to help identify potential allergies or sensitivities. If they show a cause for concern, immediately consult your vet. 

4.    Wash Fruits Thoroughly

Before feeding any fruit to your dog, thoroughly wash it to remove any dirt, pesticides, or other potential contaminants. Even if you buy organic packaged fruits, washing them before offering them to your dog is still a good practice.

5.    Prepare Fruits Properly

Remove any seeds, pits, or cores from fruits before giving them to your golden retriever, as they can pose a choking hazard and can be toxic. 

For example, apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide and must be removed. The rind of watermelon should also be removed as it’s hard to digest. 

Cut fruits into small, manageable pieces, which makes them easier to eat and digest. If you want, you can also make a puree for fruits that may otherwise seem hard for your golden retriever to eat. 

For instance, most fruits and vegetables for golden retriever puppy may be too large or hard to eat as it is. Therefore, making a puree out of it will aid digestion and help get in the extra nutrients and flavors. 

6.    Monitor Portion Sizes

While fruits can provide valuable nutrients, they should be given in moderation due to their high natural sugar content. Sugar can lead to weight gain and dental issues. 

Moreover, feeding too many fruits can cause intestinal irritation, diarrhea, or bloating. 

Treat fruits as an occasional snack or reward rather than a significant portion of your dog’s diet, as their primary nutritional needs should be met through balanced, nutritious dog food. 

According to AKC, treats (including fruits) shouldn’t comprise over 10% of your golden retriever’s daily calorie intake.

Can Golden Retrievers Eat Apples?

Yes, golden retrievers can eat apples. Apples are a healthy and nutritious fruit for dogs when prepared the right way. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Removing the seeds, core, and even stem is essential when feeding your golden retriever apples. Apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide, which is harmful if ingested in large quantities. Additionally, the core can pose a choking hazard.

To prepare apples for your dog, slice or chop them into small, bite-sized pieces. You can offer them to your golden retriever as a healthy snack or mix them into their regular meals as a tasty addition. 

Remember to feed apples in moderation, as too much fruit can upset your golden retriever’s digestive system due to its natural sugar and fiber content.

Can Golden Retrievers Eat Bananas?

Yes, golden retrievers can eat bananas. Bananas are safe and healthy for dogs to consume in moderation. They are an ideal source of potassium, fiber, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. 

When feeding bananas to your golden retriever, make sure you remove the peel and cut the banana into small, manageable pieces. 

This will help prevent choking hazards and aid in digestion. You can offer the banana pieces as a standalone treat or mix them with your dog’s food.

Since they are high in sugar, make sure you feed them in moderation to prevent an upset stomach. 

Can Golden Retrievers Eat Strawberries?

Yes, golden retrievers can eat strawberries as they are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B9, and potassium. 

However, it’s important to note that strawberries, like many fruits, contain natural sugars. Therefore, they should be offered to your golden retriever in moderation to avoid excessive sugar intake.

When giving strawberries to your dog, wash them thoroughly to remove any potential pesticides or contaminants. Remove the green leafy tops and cut strawberries into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking hazards. 

You can offer the strawberries as a treat or mix them into your dog’s regular meals for added flavor and nutritional variety.

Can Golden Retrievers Eat Carrots?

Yes, golden retrievers can eat carrots. Carrots are a low-calorie and nutritious treat for dogs as they are rich in vitamins A and B6, antioxidants, fiber, and potassium.

Carrots can be given to golden retrievers in raw or cooked form, depending on their preference and chewing ability. Although bones are a better choice, raw and frozen carrots can be great as chew toys for puppies. However, you must keep supervising them as you don’t want them to choke.  

Cooked carrots (lightly steaming them to preserve nutritional value) can be an easier-to-digest option, especially for puppies, dogs with sensitive stomachs, or older dogs with dental issues.

Furthermore, when feeding carrots to your golden retriever, thoroughly wash, peel, and cut them into small, bite-sized pieces. 

You can offer carrots as rewarding or training treats instead of high-calorie treats. While carrots are generally safe for golden retrievers, it’s recommended to introduce them gradually into your dog’s diet, particularly if they haven’t had them before. 

Keep an eye on your golden retriever for signs of digestive upset or allergic reactions when introducing carrots.

Remember, each dog is unique, and while carrots are generally well-tolerated, individual dogs may have different sensitivities or dietary requirements. 

Your veterinarian will guide you best in determining the appropriate portion sizes and frequency of feeding carrots to your golden retriever.

Can Golden Retrievers Eat Blackberries?

Yes, golden retrievers can eat blackberries. They are lower in carbs, sugar, and calories than some other fruits and are rich in fiber, antioxidants, magnesium, and vitamins C, E, and K. 

Blackberries can provide several health benefits to your dog, like helping protect against cell damage, preventing constipation, boosting immunity, supporting skin, coat, bone, and teeth health, and reducing inflammation. 

They can also be great if you’ve been worried about their excessive shedding!

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Moreover, to prepare blackberries for your golden retriever, thoroughly wash them to remove any potential pesticides or contaminants. 

It’s best to offer them to your dog as a fresh treat, whole, pureed, or mashed. Stay away from frozen packaged berries as they may contain extra sugar. 

For a golden retriever, you shouldn’t give them blackberries more than a handful, but it’s essential to give them in moderation, and you can always consult your vet for the right amount. 

Like any other fruit, feeding excessive amounts of blackberries can lead to gas, vomiting, or diarrhea due to their natural sugar and fiber content or allergic reaction. 

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Introducing blackberries gradually into your dog’s diet is recommended, starting with small portions and observing their response.

What Fruits Golden Retrievers Can Not Eat?

As a responsible pet parent, you should be aware of the golden retriever foods to avoid that can harm our furry friends, including fruits. 

While fruits are generally considered healthy for humans, some can pose risks to dogs, including golden retrievers. Let’s look at the fruits toxic to dogs and the reasons behind it. 

1.    Avocado

Golden retrievers should not consume avocados. They contain a substance called persin, a natural antifungal compound that can be toxic to dogs. 

Persin is primarily found in the avocado’s leaves, skin, and pit but can also be present in small amounts in the flesh.

Consuming this toxin in large amounts can lead to gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting and diarrhea, and even heart attack in dogs. 

Not to mention, avocado’s flesh is high in fats, which can lead to weight gain, gastrointestinal upset, and even pancreatitis if consumed in large amounts. The seed poses a choking hazard too. 

Did you know that putative avocado poisoning in two dogs was reported? So, why even take the risk of feeding a small amount of avocado to your dog? Hence, you must not feed it to your canine companion. 

2.    Cherries

While the flesh of ripe cherries is not toxic to dogs, the stems, leaves, and pits contain cyanide (just like apple seeds), which can be harmful to dogs.

Chewing on the cherry pits can release cyanide, and your dog may show cyanide poisoning symptoms like loss of appetite, excessive panting, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. 

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However, ingesting cherry pits can cause choking hazards and even gastrointestinal blockage with symptoms like vomiting, decreased appetite, and constipation.

Only carefully feeding the flesh of the cherry may not harm your golden retriever, but it has high sugar content and can cause obesity and diabetes over time. 

Therefore, it’s best to stay on the safe side for your dog’s well-being and avoid giving them cherries altogether.

3.    Grapes, Raisins, Currants, and Sultanas

Can golden retrievers eat grapes? No, golden retrievers can’t eat grapes as they can be toxic to dogs and lead to kidney failure.

In addition to grapes, raisins (dried grapes), currants, and sultanas are part of a family of fruit called ‘Vitis vinifera’ and can be harmful to your golden retriever.  

No matter the form of grapes like peeled, fresh, seedless, or cooked and grapes included in foods like snack bars and fruit cakes are all toxic to dogs. Even a small number of grapes can be dangerous for dogs. 

Studies still haven’t been able to find exactly what causes kidney damage in dogs due to grapes. However, a nephrotoxic agent or an idiosyncratic reaction may be the cause. 

Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, and anorexia are typically observed in dogs within 24 hours of ingestion. In many cases, it can lead to kidney damage and even death.

It’s important to keep grapes, currants, sultanas, and raisins away from your golden retriever and ensure they cannot access them. 

If you think your dog has consumed grapes, currants, sultanas, or raisins, it’s crucial to take them to your vet immediately to get them treated and prevent potential complications.

4.    Tomatoes

Ripe tomatoes in small quantities are generally safe for dogs, including golden retrievers. Since tomatoes are acidic in nature, they can cause stomach issues, especially in a dog with a sensitive stomach. 

However, green parts of the tomato plant, such as the stems and leaves, contain tomatine, which can be toxic to dogs. 

Additionally, unripe green tomatoes also contain tomatine and should be avoided. Otherwise, tomato poisoning symptoms may include tremors, seizures, lethargy, loss of coordination and appetite, dilated pupils, and gastrointestinal upset. 

It’s better to play safe and completely avoid feeding even ripe tomatoes to your dog to prevent any problems down the road.

If your garden has tomatoes, put a fence around it to prevent your dog from eating them. If you’re growing them in your home, keep the pots away from their reach. 

5.    Star Fruit

Star fruit, or carambola, should not be given to golden retrievers. While it is safe for humans, star fruit is toxic to dogs, so you must avoid it at all costs. 

Star fruits contain soluble calcium oxalate crystals that can cause damage to your dog’s kidney and even lead to kidney failure if consumed in large quantities. 

Two cases were reported in two shih tzu dogs of star fruit poisoning, and they were kept under observation for 24 hours after getting the necessary treatment. 

Abnormally rapid breathing, faster heart rate, pupil dilation, muscle weakness, drowsiness, and consecutive hiccups were observed during physical examination. 

6.    Grapefruit

Grapefruit can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs due to its highly acidic nature. The high levels of citric acid in grapefruits can irritate the stomach and potentially lead to diarrhea, vomiting, or gastrointestinal discomfort. 

Technically, dogs can eat small amounts of grapefruit flesh (without seeds), but they should be avoided to prevent stomach issues. In general, dogs may not like grapefruits because of their sourness. 

The grapefruit skin or rind is actually quite toxic to dogs since it contains essential oils and psoralens, and they must be kept out of reach and disposed of properly in a closed trash can after you use them for cooking. 

7.    Lemons and Limes

Like grapefruits, lemons as well as limes have a high concentration of citric acid. While the pulp of these fruits is not toxic to dogs, the acidity can lead to digestive issues. 

Furthermore, the skin or rind of lemons and limes is toxic to dogs since they contain essential oils and psoralens.

Don’t give lemon or lime juice to your golden retriever, as they are concentrated and can be toxic to them. 

It is generally best to avoid feeding lemons and limes to golden retrievers, as they may not enjoy the sourness and experience gastrointestinal discomfort.

8.    Plums

Plum pits contain a compound called amygdalin. When chewed and ingested, amygdalin can break down into cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. 

Moreover, plum pits are hazardous as they can cause choking hazards and potentially block the digestive system. 

Although the high-sugar flesh of ripe organic plums isn’t toxic in very small amounts, it is safer to avoid feeding plums to your golden retriever. 

What If My Dog Eats Something Toxic?

Taking immediate action is essential when you suspect or know your dog has ingested something toxic. Follow these steps to handle the situation effectively.

1.    Stay Calm

Staying calm in a situation where your dog has ingested something toxic is important because panicking can increase stress levels for you and your dog. 

You can think more clearly and make rational decisions to address the situation effectively by remaining composed. 

Panicking may lead to rushed or incorrect actions, potentially worsening the situation. It’s crucial to approach the problem with a sensible mindset to provide the best care to your dog.

2.    Identify the toxin

Identifying the poison is essential because it helps the veterinarian appropriately treat your dog. 

Look for wrappers, containers, or labels that might give clues about what your dog has ingested. 

Knowing the toxic substance can assist the veterinarian in determining the potential risks, symptoms to watch for, and the most effective course of action. 

Providing this information promptly can aid in the accuracy and speed of treatment, ultimately improving your dog’s chances of a positive outcome.

3.    Contact a veterinarian

Contacting a veterinarian or a pet poison helpline promptly is crucial when your dog has ingested something toxic or even if you suspect it. 

These professionals have the necessary training and expertise to provide guidance and tailored advice based on your situation. 

When you contact them, provide details about your dog’s size, breed, visible symptoms, and information about the suspected toxin. 

This information allows the veterinarian to assess the severity of the situation and provide appropriate instructions for immediate care. 

Their expertise can significantly assist in managing the situation and ensuring the well-being of your dog. They will also tell you if you should bring them in person. 

4.    Seek veterinary care

Seeking veterinary care is essential, even if your dog seems fine after vomiting or if you’re unsure about the severity of the toxic ingestion. 

Some toxins can have delayed or hidden effects on your dog’s health, and it’s best to have them thoroughly examined by a vet. 

A vet can perform a comprehensive examination, including diagnostic tests if needed, to identify potential issues caused by the toxin. They can then provide appropriate treatment or monitoring to ensure your dog’s well-being. 

Having your dog examined by a professional to ensure their health and prevent potential complications is better. 

However, you can also contact your vet first before visiting them, so they can tell you if it’s necessary to visit or get prepared to treat your dog as soon as you arrive without any delays. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Can my golden retrievers eat mangoes?

Yes, golden retrievers can eat mangoes. These tasty treats contain vitamins A, C, E, and B6, potassium, and fiber. Peel it, remove the pit, and cut it into small chunks to safely feed your golden retriever mangoes in small quantities to prevent stomach issues and choking hazards.

2.    Can we give dates to golden retrievers?

Dates are low-fat and cholesterol-free snacks that can be given to golden retrievers, but only in moderation due to high fiber and sugar content and after removing pits. Dates are rich in vitamin B6, fiber, iron, calcium, protein, magnesium, and potassium. 

3.    What foods are bad for golden retrievers?

The foods bad for golden retrievers are onions, garlic, caffeine, macadamia nuts, chocolate, raw eggs, meat, bones, and fish, yeast dough, coconuts, milk, potato chips, pretzels, salted popcorn, gum, and candy since they can be harmful to their health.


Some fruits, like avocados, cherries, tomatoes, grapes, raisins, and grapefruits, are toxic to golden retrievers, and you shouldn’t feed them. Before introducing any new food item to your dog’s diet, you must consult your vet for their professional opinion based on your dog’s diet, age, and other health conditions to prevent any health-related issues.  

If you’re concerned about your golden retriever pup having diarrhea at night, we recommend you read this article next – Why Does My Golden Retriever Puppy Have Diarrhea at Night?

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