How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection? (22 Signs!)

Have you ever wondered how your golden retriever says “I love you”? In this article, we’ll unveil the 22 signs golden retrievers show affection, from tail wags to gentle nudges.

Golden retrievers show affection in various ways, including asking for belly rubs, licking you, following you around, standing between your legs, leaning on or into you, cuddling with you, gazing into your eyes, bringing you toys, and greeting you excitedly. 

In this article, we’ll look into more ways golden retrievers show affection, indicators they may not love you, reasons why they may not show affection, and more!

Table of Contents

22 Ways Your Golden Retriever Shows Affection

Let’s quickly break down the simple yet heartwarming ways golden retrievers express their love for you.

1.    Greets You Excitedly 

One of the ways golden retrievers show affection is when you return home after a few hours, but your furry friend greets you as if it has been months (or years!). 

We all golden retriever parents are well-familiar with this feeling, right?

Greeting you excitedly shows your golden retriever missed you so much because they love you. 

This joyful welcome, often accompanied by a wagging tail, barking happily, and maybe even a little dance, shows their happiness at seeing you. 

RELATED: Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much?

All this means you’re the highlight of your dog’s day.

2.    Licks You or Gives You Doggie Kisses

For dogs, their licks are kisses. You might have seen how dogs lick other dogs they love to show affection and appreciation. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Do Golden Retrievers Lick So Much?

You can receive kisses from your golden retriever spontaneously and even as a part of greeting or cuddling with you.

Moreover, it’s a behavior inherited from their puppy days when licking their mother’s face signaled affection and care. 

In your case, these slobbery kisses are your golden’s way of saying, “I love you”, which can get messy, but they’re worth it! 

3.    Follows You Around

When your golden retriever becomes your shadow, following you around wherever you go, it’s a clear sign of their affection and attachment. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere?

This behavior is rooted in their pack instincts, as dogs naturally stick close to those they consider family. 

Whether you’re moving from room to room or going for a walk, their presence by your side reflects the happiness they find in simply being with you.

4.    Looks For You

When your golden retriever keeps looking for you, it’s a heartwarming gesture of affection. 

Whether they’ve woken up from a nap or you’ve just moved to another room, they may start sniffing around or bark to find you. 

Dogs, especially goldens, thrive on companionship, and their search for you reflects a desire to be close and share moments together. 

5.    Sleeps on Your Feet

Whether enjoying your morning cup of coffee, watching TV, or having dinner, you may find your dog sleeping on your feet, which shows affection.

Just think, out of all places to sleep, they chose your feet for closeness, safety, and warmth. 

It also reflects their desire to be near you even during restful moments!

6.    Snuggles With You 

Most golden retrievers love cuddling with you on the couch or bed. This is how they show affection and trust in you and seek comfort. 

This also shows that you both share a strong bond, and they feel secure with you.

7.    Puts Their Paw on You

Dogs use their paws to communicate, and this action often conveys a sense of comfort and reassurance. 

Just like you put your hand on the leg or shoulder of someone you love, the same is true with golden retrievers.

RELATED: Why Do Golden Retrievers Like to Hold Hands?

Whether they’re seeking attention, showing support, or simply enjoying the warmth of physical contact, the gentle touch of their paw is a heartfelt expression of love and a reminder of your special bond.

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Do Golden Retrievers Paw at You?

8.    Puts Their Head on Your Leg or Lap

This is a bit different than cuddling. Your dog may rest on your lap or leg simply to strengthen the emotional connection.

This behavior usually also involves your dog looking lovingly into your eyes.

The gentle weight of their head is not just a sign of relaxation but also a heartfelt way of saying, “I feel safe with you.” 

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Does My Golden Retriever Sit On Me?

9.    Gazes Into Your Eyes

One gaze you may get from your golden retriever is when they try to do something and ask for your guidance. 

Another deep gaze (with expressive eyes) you get is understandable that they are looking at you full of love, which also shows a deep connection.

Eye contact in dogs is a sign of trust, love, and a strong emotional connection. 

A study stated that mutual gazing increased oxytocin levels in dogs and their owners.

This oxytocin hormone, also called feel-good or happy hormone, can strengthen the bond between owners and their dogs.

10. Comes To You When Scared

Just as humans seek protection or comfort from loved ones, golden retrievers do the same. 

Whether there are loud noises or unfamiliar people/situations, your dog may get scared and come running to you to feel secure and comfortable. 

It clearly indicates the trust and security they find in your presence. 

By offering comfort and support, you reinforce the sense of safety and love that defines your relationship with your dog.

11. Brings You Toys or Other Things

Dogs often offer their toys as a form of play, seeking interaction and shared enjoyment. 

They may also bring your possessions like socks or something as simple as a stick. 

Recommended Reading: Why Do Golden Retrievers Love Socks?

In the canine world, sharing prized possessions like toys is a sign of trust and a desire to engage with you. 

It’s their way of saying, “Let’s have fun together” or “You’re someone I’d love to play with!”.

They usually find someone playful to have fun like children or someone they love.

RELATED: Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats?

Another reason your golden retriever may bring you toys is that they were bred to retrieve waterfowl for hunters. 

Their instinct may lure them into bringing their toys to you and getting appreciated in return. 

Recommended Reading: Why Do Golden Retrievers Carry Things?

Also Read: Why Does My Golden Retriever Bring Me Things?

12. Asks for Belly Rubs

When your golden retriever asks for belly rubs, it’s a delightful way of expressing trust and affection. 

Exposing their belly is a vulnerable position for a dog, and when they seek belly rubs, it indicates a deep level of comfort and security in your presence. 

There’s no doubt trust is a major part of love. 

13. Stands in Between Your Legs

If you find your golden retriever standing in between your legs, it’s a sweet gesture of closeness and trust. 

Dogs often seek physical contact to feel secure, and standing between your legs provides protection and comfort. 

Most pet parents ask, “Why do golden retrievers put their head between your legs?”

This may be their way of asking you to pet them and shower all your love over them. This also shows they find comfort and security in being super close to you.

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Do Golden Retrievers Go Between Your Legs?

14. Rubbing Their Nose on You

As dogs have scent glands in their noses, this is a way for them to mark you with their scent. 

It’s a canine expression of closeness and ownership, signifying that you are an important part of their territory. 

This adorable nose rub is also a form of bonding, as it creates a shared scent and reinforces the connection between you and them. 

Fun Fact: Research has reported that dogs’ ability to detect odors is 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive than that of the average human. 

It may also be their way of showing you love and inviting you to play. 

15. Leans On or Into You

Sometimes, your dog may lean on or into you because they may feel scared or threatened, but this is not always the case. 

Golden retrievers mostly lean on you as their way of saying, “I feel safe and close to you.” 

It’s not uncommon for us humans too to lean onto our favorite people to show our affection towards them. 

This physical closeness allows dogs to seek comfort, support, and a deeper connection with their humans. 

16. Expressing Excitement After Hearing Your Name

When your golden retriever gets excited upon hearing your name, it’s a heartening response that signifies their recognition and connection with you. 

This enthusiastic reaction suggests that your dog associates your name with positive experiences, attention, and the joy of interacting with you. 

This shows the strong bond you share and that your name is a source of happiness for them.

17. Guarding You at Unusual Times

When your golden retriever guards you at unusual times, it’s a devoted and protective behavior, be it when you are in the bathroom or simply having dinner. 

Dogs, especially those with a strong bond, may exhibit this trait as a sign of loyalty and a sense of duty. 

This vigilant behavior suggests that your furry friend sees you as part of their pack and wants to ensure your safety. 

While it might seem unusual, it showcases the deep connection and the instinctual desire to keep you secure.

18. Looking After Your Young Children

Have you ever noticed your golden retriever napping next to your baby’s crib or following them around in the house?

This “herding” behavior is often an attempt to keep the family together, aligning with their protective instincts. 

It showcases the dog’s caring nature and inclination to ensure the safety and unity of the pack while showing the loving connection they share with your kids.

19. Rubbing Their Heads Against Your Face

When your golden retriever rubs their head against your face, it’s a loving and affectionate gesture. 

Nuzzling allows dogs to create a shared scent and express their deep connection with you. 

By placing their head against your face, they are not only seeking physical closeness but also marking you with their scent as a sign of comfort. 

20. Stealing Your Stuff

When your golden retriever playfully “steals” your stuff like shoes or laundry, it’s their way of seeking attention and engaging in a fun interaction. 

They often do this to initiate play and enjoy your company. It’s a lighthearted behavior that reflects their playful nature rather than any intention to possess. 

You should embrace these moments, redirect their energy with toys, and enjoy the playful bond you share with your canine companion.

RELATED: Why Do Golden Retrievers Steal Things?

21. Excitement Peeing

Excitement peeing (also called submissive urination) is more common in puppies. 

It happens when they get overly excited or anxious and is often an involuntary response to the intensity of their emotions. 

To manage excitement peeing, you can remain calm during greetings, keep interactions low-key, and gradually build excitement levels. 

Understanding and addressing this behavior with patience can help your dog express excitement more calmly.

This behavior usually settles when your puppy grows up. 

22. Wagging Their Tail

One of the many ways how golden retrievers show affection to humans, especially their loved ones, is by wagging their tails.

Whenever you enter the room or they hear your name, they may excitedly start wagging their tail to show affection, enthusiasm, and happiness.

The speed and height of the wag can convey different feelings. 

A slow wag may indicate relaxation, while a fast wag could signal heightened excitement. 

Understanding your dog’s tail language helps you respond to their feelings the right way, deepening your bond with your furry companion.

Do All Golden Retrievers Show Love This Way?

Like humans, golden retrievers have distinct personalities and ways of expressing love. 

While some may show affection through tail wagging, cuddling, or licking, others might have unique ways of communicating their love. 

Factors such as upbringing, socialization, and individual temperament play a role in how they express affection.

For example, one golden retriever might express love by bringing you toys, while another might prefer leaning against you. 

Moreover, it also depends on who they are showing their love to. 

For example, your golden retriever might express love by bringing you toys, while they might prefer to cuddle with another household member. 

They can figure out what each human likes doing or not, and they may adapt their way of showing love to their liking. 

It’s essential to observe and understand your dog’s cues and preferences so you can appreciate the diverse ways they convey their love and strengthen the unique bond between you.

5 Indicators Your Golden Retriever May Not Love (or Like) You

While golden retrievers are generally affectionate, here are signs that your golden retriever may not love you. 

1.    Avoidance

If your dog consistently avoids being near you or actively seeks to move away, it may indicate a lack of comfort or bonding.

This may be common with individuals who are not dog people because the dog may recognize they don’t like them from their vibes/expressions.

A study suggests that domestic dogs can discriminate between positive and negative emotions from both humans and dogs. 

What to do: Spend quality time engaging in activities your dog enjoys. Offer treats, toys, or positive reinforcement to create positive associations with your presence.

2.    Lack of Interest

If your golden retriever shows little interest in interacting with you, engaging in play, or seeking your attention, it could suggest a lack of emotional connection.

What to do: Introduce new and exciting activities. Use positive reinforcement to encourage play and interaction. Ensure your dog’s exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship needs are met.

3.    No Tail Wagging

While tail wagging is a common sign of joy, the absence of wagging, especially in situations that typically evoke happiness, might signify emotional distance.

What to do: If the absence of tail wagging persists even during situations that evoke happiness, consult a vet to rule out any physical discomfort or health issues.

4.    No Eye Contact

A lack of eye contact can signal that your dog is not seeking a connection or feels insecure in your presence.

This could also be because they are scared of you or avoiding you. 

What to do: Build trust gradually by engaging in calm, positive interactions. Avoid direct eye contact, especially if your dog finds it intimidating. Use treats to create positive associations.

5.    Resistance to Touch

If your dog consistently resists or shows discomfort when touched or petted, it might indicate a lack of trust or affection.

It could also be because your golden retriever is afraid of you, or they don’t like being petted. 

Being physically or verbally harsh to them or using negative training techniques may be to blame. 

What to do: Respect your dog’s boundaries and allow them to initiate physical contact. Gradually introduce touch through gentle petting and massages, using positive reinforcement to associate touch with positive experiences.

6 Reasons a Golden Retriever May Not Show Affection

If you’re worried about why your golden retriever doesn’t show love or affection, let’s look at the reasons.

1.    Health Issues

Pain or discomfort from conditions like arthritis, dental issues, or injuries can make a dog reluctant to behave affectionately. 

Depression can also lead your dog to become isolated.

Taking your dog for veterinary check-ups regularly can help you address any potential health concerns.

2.    Previous Trauma

Dogs that have experienced abuse or trauma in their past may struggle with trust issues, leading to hesitancy in showing affection. 

You can rebuild trust over time by being patient with them and encouraging gentle interactions. 

3.    Lack of Socialization

Golden retrievers benefit greatly from early exposure to different people, places, and situations. 

When dogs miss out on these experiences during their early weeks, they might become more reserved or uneasy in unfamiliar settings. 

They may also show aggressive behavior like barking or growling. 

Recommended Reading: Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Being Aggressive?

Limited socialization can contribute to a reluctance to engage in affectionate behaviors, as the dog may feel uncertain or anxious in new situations.

4.    Fear or Anxiety

If your golden retriever suffers from fear or anxiety, they may find expressing affection challenging. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

You should identify and address the root causes of fear or anxiety, such as loud noises or specific triggers, which can help improve their comfort levels.

5.    Individual Personality

Dogs, like humans, have unique personalities. 

While most golden retrievers are naturally affectionate, others may be more reserved. 

Understanding and respecting their individual preferences is vital to fostering a positive relationship.

6.    Age

Younger dogs are generally more energetic and playful. 

On the other hand, older dogs may experience age-related discomfort, making them seem less affectionate and more isolated.

It’s better to adapt your interactions based on your dog’s age to help create a comfortable and happy environment for them.

What are Different Ways to Show Affection to Your Golden Retriever?

Here are various ways to show unconditional love to your golden retriever, form a strong bond and companionship, and make them love you more:

  • Cuddling: Gently cuddle and pet your dog for warmth and comfort.
  • Playtime: Engage in interactive play sessions with toys or games your dog enjoys.
  • Verbal Affirmations: Use an encouraging and affectionate tone when talking to your dog, like I love you or you’re the best.
  • Treats and Rewards: Offer tasty treats as a positive reinforcement for good behavior.
  • Belly Rubs: Many dogs love belly rubs, providing a sense of trust and affection.
  • Quality Time: Spend dedicated time together, whether it’s a walk, outing, or quiet time at home.
  • Grooming: Brushing and grooming sessions can be bonding moments for you and your dog.
  • Training with Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques to reinforce good behavior during training sessions and to strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
  • Respect Boundaries: You should pay attention to your dog’s cues and respect their personal space and comfort levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Do golden retrievers like to be kissed?

Golden retrievers often enjoy gentle kisses, but individual preferences vary. You should pay attention to your dog’s reactions and signs of enjoyment, like tail wagging, that indicate they appreciate the affection. Always approach with gentleness and respect your dog’s comfort for a positive interaction.

2.    How affectionate are golden retrievers?

Golden retrievers are known for their affectionate nature. These dogs typically show high levels of warmth, friendliness, and a strong desire for human companionship. They love to cuddle, play, and be with their human friends. Their friendly and gentle nature makes them one of the most loving dog breeds.

3.    What do golden retrievers love most?

Golden retrievers love their human family the most. They love spending quality time with their owners, whether it’s through play, cuddles, or just being together. Additionally, these dogs often enjoy activities like fetching, swimming, and exploring the outdoors. 

4.    Why does my golden retriever mouth me?

It’s common for golden retrievers, especially puppies, to mouth as a way of exploring and showing affection. Puppies may also do this during teething. Redirect their mouthing to chew toys, praise good behavior, and offer other ways to interact. You can guide your golden retriever to more appropriate behavior with consistent training and positive feedback.

5.    Why do goldens lick so much?

Golden retrievers lick to show love and communicate with their owners. It’s a natural way for them to bond and express affection. Sometimes, excessive licking might mean they’re bored or anxious. If it bothers you, redirect their attention to toys and ensure they have enough play and stimulation.

6.    How golden retrievers show affection to strangers?

Golden retrievers may wag their tails, stay relaxed, and approach gently to show affection to strangers. They’re naturally friendly, but each dog is different. Encouraging positive interactions and respecting the dog’s comfort helps create a warm and friendly experience.


Golden retrievers show love in different ways, from happy greetings to cozy cuddles and licking. They express affection in their own special ways. By understanding and giving back this love, you’ll build a strong and joyful connection with your golden retriever. 

Want to know if goldens love cuddles? We recommend reading this article next – Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle? 

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