Do Golden Retrievers Like Water? (REVEALED!)

Seeing almost every other golden retriever swimming or playing in the water may make you wonder if all golden retrievers like water. We did all the research work to give you answers to your questions. 

In this article, we’ll discuss everything related to golden retrievers and water/swimming so your canine companion can lead the best life. 

Do Golden Retrievers Love Water?

Most golden retrievers tend to love and play in water, as you may have already noticed. However, it doesn’t mean that all golden retrievers love water. 

Some golden retrievers may like water, and some may not (we’ll share the reasons below). So, you shouldn’t really worry about your golden retriever not liking water. 

If your golden retriever loves being in the water, they may like to go to the beach, swim in the pool, jump in a lake, and even fetch their favorite toy. These activities are also a great way to physically and mentally stimulate them and help release pent-up energy. 

Why Do Golden Retrievers Like Water?

The very next question in your mind might be, “Why do golden retrievers like water so much?”. Let’s quickly take a look at various reasons for golden retrievers love for water.

1.    Bred to Retrieve in Water

This breed was specifically created in Scotland to help hunters retrieve shot waterfowl (like ducks and geese) from the water, as it wouldn’t be convenient for hunters to go all the way on the boat to get their game every time they hunt. 

Therefore, it was the golden retrievers’ duty to go in the water and get the waterfowl for the hunters with their soft mouths without damaging the game.

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Hunt?

Golden retrievers’ natural instinct for swimming and even retrieving makes them great swimmers, and to love paddling in the water. 

However, again, it doesn’t mean that all golden retrievers may be great at swimming and love it, as some may need to be trained a little with some encouragement.   

2.    They are Playful and Active Dogs

Golden retrievers are known for their playful nature and activeness. They need to be properly physically and mentally stimulated every day to release their excess energy otherwise, you may have to deal with their aggressive behavior. 

RELATED: Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Being Aggressive? 

Hence, another “basic” reason for golden retrievers enjoying swimming may be because they are energetic and playful.

Your dog may be able to stay calm while having lots of fun playing in the water. Not to mention this kind of exercise can also help them stay active without putting unnecessary stress on joints. 

3.    Their Coats and Bodies are Built for Swimming

Golden retrievers are double-coated, i.e., they have an under and outer coat. The undercoat helps regulate their temperature and protects them from both hot and cold temperatures. 

The outer coat is waterproof and helps keep their skin clean from debris and dust. This way, golden retrievers can easily and comfortably swim while keeping their skin dry. 

Furthermore, golden retrievers have webbed feet, which makes them swim more efficiently than dogs without webbed feet. 

All these qualities make swimming more enjoyable for golden retrievers!

Can Golden Retrievers Not Like Water?

Every dog has different preferences. While most golden retrievers love water, some may not like water due to the reasons mentioned below. 

  • Adult golden retrievers who haven’t had any experience with the water may feel overwhelmed or scared to get into the water.
  • Puppies also may not have any experience with the water, which may make them anxious. 
  • Dogs who have had tragic or bad experiences with the water in the past may not want to be in the water again.
  • Some golden retrievers may simply not like getting wet in the water. 

How to Introduce Golden Retrievers to Water?

If you want to introduce your canine companion to water, you should be gentle and understanding with them. 

It’s better to start when they’re young to make them adjust easily. Even if you got them as an adult, you can still train them with patience. 

NEVER force your dog to get into the water, as this may leave them scared for life. Be patient, rewarding, and encouraging to make the entire experience positive.

Here are important steps to help you introduce your golden retriever to water. 

  • As a very first step for introducing your dog to water, you can take them to an inflatable kids’ pool. This way, they can get their feet and legs wet while comfortably walking. 
  • Once your golden retriever is acclimated to the “feel” of water, you can take them to your swimming pool, lake, or beach with their favorite fetch toy, as this will encourage them to do their best. 
  • During all this, you must remember to go with your dog’s pace and never force them. 
  • You should only take them to the shallow parts of the pool, lake, or beach. 
  • You can keep a leash on them while introducing them to water so they feel safe.
  • You should also go in the water with them, so they can see it’s not dangerous and make them feel comfortable.
  • If your dog doesn’t like going into the lake, beach, or pool, you should try another day rather than forcing them. 
  • If they are happily going in, you can stop going in the water with them after a few tries so they can be independent. 
  • Make sure every try is completed with their favorite treat for encouragement. 
  • Don’t forget to show them the way out to further overcome their fear of being stuck. 
  • If your dog is doing great so far, you can try throwing in their fetch toy a bit further away (not too much) from the body of water. Make sure it is in the shallow parts only for now, as you’re just introducing them to water.

How to Keep Golden Retrievers Safe in Water?

No matter how much of a natural swimmer golden retrievers are, it’s always best to keep your golden retriever safe in the water. It’s better to be safe than sorry hence here are a few safety tips. 

  1. Make sure your dog wears a life jacket like this one at Amazon before getting into the water to keep them safe with innovative features. 
  2. Never leave your golden retriever unsupervised when they’re in the water. Always keep an eye on them or ask someone responsible to do so. 
  3. Never force them to get into the water if they don’t feel comfortable, as this can traumatize them for life. 
  4. You should start off with the shallow parts of the water instead of the deeper parts. 
  5. When taking to the beach, make sure the water current is not high, which can scare them off.
  6. To further remain on the safer side, you can put an extra long leash on them to not lose control over them. 
  7. Ensure the water isn’t too dirty or the weather isn’t too harsh (neither too hot nor too cold) to keep them happy and healthy. 

Note: No matter how “clean” the water is, your golden retriever may be susceptible to ear infections due to the retained water moisture after playing or swimming in the water. Ask your vet to prescribe an ear solution to be used after every swim. 

How to Teach Swimming to Golden Retrievers?

Once you’ve introduced your golden retriever to the water the right way, your dog is not too far away from learning how to swim, as they just need to paddle with confidence. 

Assuming you’ve done all the steps right, like we’ve discussed above in the introducing-your-dog-to-the-water section, your dog should be able to start paddling now. 

Make sure you have the leash on to direct their movement and help them feel safe. You should use words of encouragement to let them get into the shallow parts of the water. 

Once they get into the shallow parts of the water, you must show them the way out. Try this several times before taking them further into the deeper parts of the body of the water. 

You can throw their favorite toy a bit further away to encourage them to go into the deeper parts. Make sure you have the leash on them and get into the water with them, as this will be their first time swimming. 

Since they are natural swimmers, your dog should start paddling. Again, make sure you show them the way out as they follow you. 

Try this several times. You don’t have to do all this in one day, which can be exhausting. Break it down into several days as required. 

Once you believe they have become confident enough, you can take the leash off, and they should get into the shallow part of the water first and then get into the deeper part.

However, taking the leash off or them becoming confident doesn’t mean that they can be left alone during swimming. Always keep an eye on them and keep supervising them. 

Several tries, practice, words of encouragement, and training them the right way will finally make your golden retriever a confident swimmer.

How Long Can Golden Retrievers Swim?

Since most golden retrievers love water and swimming, getting them out of water can be hard. 

Most pet parents worry about their golden retrievers and wonder if letting them swim for so long is okay. 

Generally, golden retrievers can swim for about half an hour to an hour per day. It also depends on their age, health condition, fitness level, and whether they’re a beginner or pro swimmer. 

Most golden retrievers will keep playing in the water or swimming until they get tired and this is only when they will come out of water on their own. 

If your dog swam too long, you may notice they are tired and may simply want to nap. 

However, as long as your golden retriever is enjoying swimming or having the time of their lives playing in the water, you shouldn’t really worry about the duration of swimming. 

Just make sure you keep an eye on them and watch their body language and behavior, which can also tell when they’re tired. 

Can Golden Retrievers Swim in Cold Water?

One of the reasons why golden retrievers can better tolerate colder temperatures is their double coat. 

So, of course, golden retrievers can swim in cold water, but the real question is how cold the water is safe. 

To be honest, there’s no specific temperature guide for what’s too cold for golden retrievers to swim in. You will also find answers that tell your dog shouldn’t swim in water below 10 degrees Celsius.  

When asking if golden retrievers can swim in cold water, it’s mainly for their safety and health. Therefore, you should keep these two things in mind.

  • Make sure the water doesn’t have ice in or on it.
  • You should never force your dog to get into the water. If the temperature is too cold for them, they will either not get in or may get out quickly. 

If the water is too cold, you may even find your golden retriever shivering. You must quickly dry them off with a towel and ensure they are warm. 

What are the Health Benefits of Swimming for Golden Retrievers?

Not only can swimming be an enjoyable activity for golden retrievers, but it can have multiple health benefits. 

1.    A Fun Exercise Activity 

Your dog may get bored of walking every single day. Therefore, swimming can be a great fun alternative to help them move their body and stay in shape. 

Since golden retrievers are at a higher risk of obesity, swimming can keep them active and help them maintain a healthy weight. 

In addition, swimming can help your puppy or adult dog calm down by burning off excess energy. 

RELATED: When Do Golden Retriever Puppies Get Easier?

2.    Less Strain on the Joints and Muscles

While swimming is a great exercise activity, it also makes sure it doesn’t put undue stress on your dog’s joints and muscles. 

As golden retrievers are more prone to elbow and hip dysplasia, you can make sure that they are still active and not putting unnecessary stress on their joints. 

This is because resistance in water is not as much as on the ground. Therefore, swimming makes staying active easier for dogs with such health conditions. 

3.    Swimming Helps Stay Cool 

When it’s scorching hot, your golden retriever may feel dull and uncomfortable. Swimming is ideal to help them stay cool and enjoy the summer while staying active.

You can even buy an inflatable kids pool and put it under the shade outdoors or even inside to help your canine companion have the best time of their life. 


There’s no doubt that most golden retrievers love to play in water due to their natural characteristics and instincts and playful nature. However, ensure you never force your dog into the water, help them stay safe as discussed, and let them enjoy.  

Playing in the water is fun, but drinking the right quantity of water daily is necessary. We recommend reading this article next –  How Much Water Should a Golden Retriever Puppy Drink?

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