Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle? (What You Must Know!)

Golden retrievers are one of the most affectionate dog breeds and are also known as great family dogs. However, most pet owners wonder if golden retrievers like to cuddle.

In this article, we’ll explore cuddling dos and don’ts, reasons why golden retrievers like to cuddle and reasons why they may not want to cuddle, cuddling tips, and more! 

Table of Contents

Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle?

Most golden retrievers generally love to cuddle with people around them. They don’t differentiate between who they like to share a cuddle with. 

Even if it’s a cat or another dog in the house friendly to them, they will be more than happy to show their love and hug them. 

Recommended Reading: Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats?

When golden retrievers cuddle with humans, it’s their love language and a way of saying, “You’re my favorite human!”.

In addition, cuddling doesn’t only make your golden retriever feel happy, but you do too!

Cuddling also helps build trust and a strong bond between you and your canine companion. 

However, of course, every dog is different. While some golden retrievers might be super cuddly, some may be the opposite.

If your dog doesn’t like cuddles, you should watch their behavior and respect their personal space. 

Do Golden Retriever Puppies Like to Cuddle?

While most of us have seen many online videos about adult golden retrievers cuddling with their favorite humans, it doesn’t mean that golden retriever puppies are any different. 

Golden retriever puppies also love to cuddle! However, since they have short attention spans and a lot of pent-up energy that needs to be released, they may only cuddle with you for a short time. 

That is only when their pent-up energy is released and they want to nap, unlike adult golden retrievers who may cuddle with you for a comparatively long time. 

Hence, you will mostly find your golden retriever puppy cuddling with you only when they are about to sleep. (Btw, we all know how much they sleep!)

Recommended Reading: Do Golden Retriever Puppies Sleep a Lot?

Golden retriever puppies may cuddle with you for various reasons, i.e., for comfort and security, to boost the bond between you and them, to learn affection, and to combine cuddling with playtime. 

Again, every golden retriever puppy is different too. Some may like instant cuddles, while others may prefer a mix of play and cuddle time.

You should learn your puppy’s preferences for the happiest and the best snuggle sessions. 

Are Golden Retrievers the Most Affectionate Dog Breed?

There’s no doubt that golden retrievers are well-known for their loving and friendly nature and social, gentle, and loyal characteristics.

However, whether they are the “most” affectionate dog breed can vary from person to person. 

Golden retrievers might be the most affectionate dog breed for some while not so much for others, but you can’t deny they are generally very lovable and friendly.

Also, how affectionate a dog is often depends on factors such as individual temperament, training, and the specific bond formed with their owner.

Other breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and certain small breeds like the French Bulldog, are also known for their affectionate behavior.

You should consider your lifestyle, preferences, and the specific qualities you’re seeking in a pet when determining the most affectionate breed for your needs. 

How Do Golden Retrievers Cuddle and Show Affection?

In addition to hugging their owners, golden retrievers show their love and affection in many other ways too. Let’s take a look. 

  • Leaning in: Your golden retriever may lean against you, which is a gentle way of saying, “I love being close to you!”
  • The classic golden retriever move: Your furry friend may sit on your feet or lie their head in your lap to show love.
  • Wagging tail: When you see your golden retriever wagging their tail when they see you, it means they are excited to see you or cuddle.
  • Gentle nudging: Your dog may also express their affection by using their noses to gently nudge you.
  • Cuddle rolls and belly rubs: If your golden retriever rolls onto their back for a belly rub, it shows a sign of trust and an invitation for affectionate gestures.
  • Pawing and licking: Whether it’s a gentle paw on your lap or a few loving licks, it all conveys their affectionate feelings for you.
  • Playful affection: Your dog may also mix cuddling with playfulness. They might bring their favorite toy to you or playfully initiate a game.
  • Sleeping with you: Your golden retriever might choose to sleep close to you, whether at the foot of your bed or right beside you. 
  • Following you around: If your canine companion follows you around, staying close wherever you go, it’s a sign of their affectionate connection.

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere?

Also Read: Why Do Golden Retrievers Paw at You?

Do Golden Retrievers Enjoy Affection?

Yes, golden retrievers are generally known for their love of affection, especially from their owners.

They are friendly and social dogs who thrive on human interaction and often seek cuddles, pets, and attention. This also helps them feel appreciated and secure.

Affection is important for their well-being and strengthens their bond with their owners.

As every dog has unique preferences, you should pay attention to their cues and respect their comfort level with different forms of affection.

Overall, providing love and affection greatly contributes to a happy and content life for golden retrievers.

Can a Dog Be Too Cuddly?

Most dogs can usually understand and anticipate when it’s not a good time to cuddle.

While many people enjoy a cuddly dog, it’s essential to maintain a balance. Excessive clinginess or neediness can, at times, be a sign of anxiety or dependency.

RELATED: Why Are Golden Retrievers So Needy?

If your golden retriever becomes overly anxious when not receiving constant attention or exhibits signs of distress when separated, it may indicate an issue that needs addressing.

You should monitor for any sudden changes in their behavior. 

If your dog’s cuddly nature shifts dramatically, it could be a response to environmental changes, health issues, or emotional distress. 

Consulting with your vet or a professional dog behaviorist can help rule out any potential health concerns and ensure their overall well-being.

However, you can encourage moments of independence for your golden retriever by providing a comfortable space, engaging in interactive play, and ensuring they have stimulating toys to balance affection and independence.

You can also implement positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behavior by rewarding moments of calmness and independence to shape an emotionally stable dog.

Reasons Your Golden Retriever May Want to Cuddle 

Some pet parents may wonder why golden retrievers like cuddling so much. There are several reasons why your canine companion may want to cuddle. Let’s take a look. 

1.      Bonding and Affection

Cuddling is a natural way for golden retrievers to express love and strengthen their bond with their owners. 

Furthermore, it helps develop a sense of connection and security because cuddling mimics the closeness they experienced with their littermates during puppyhood.

2.      Temperature Regulation

You may already know that golden retrievers have double coats, which help them keep warmer. 

Therefore, they have a higher body temperature than us humans. 

They may still seek warmth from you, especially during colder days/nights, by being close to you and cuddling with you. 

3.      Social Nature

Golden Retrievers are social dogs that thrive on human interaction. 

Cuddling satisfies their need for companionship and reinforces their pack mentality.

4.      Emotional Connection

Dogs are highly intuitive and form strong emotional connections with their owners. 

When your golden retriever cuddles with you, it’s a way of expressing and nurturing this emotional bond.

5.      Stress Reliever 

Your golden retriever may want to cuddle when feeling anxious or insecure. 

Your presence and touch can help reassure them and alleviate stress or anxiety.

6.      Mimicking Your Behavior

Your dog may mimic your behavior!

If you enjoy cuddling, your golden retriever may adopt the same behavior as a way of bonding with you.

7.      Release of Feel-Good Hormones

Some research suggests that when pets and their owners cuddle, both experience an increase in the happy hormone oxytocin. 

These feel-good hormones aren’t only beneficial for your golden retriever but also for you. They minimize stress and help you both feel happy and relaxed.

8.      Breeding

If your golden retriever has a super-friendly and affectionate nature and is emotionally stable as well, it also means they were bred properly. 

This also can be one of the reasons why your golden retriever is cuddly. 

On the other hand, dogs not bred well or whose breeders didn’t have their best interest in mind may show inappropriate behavior. 

9.      Genetic Inheritance

Golden retrievers were bred to retrieve waterfowl for hunters, which is one of the reasons they love water.

Recommended Reading: Do Golden Retrievers Like Water?

In addition to assisting hunters, they had to be great companions during the hunt. 

Hence, we can’t overlook that being sweet and cuddly has always been in their best interest.

Reasons Your Golden Retriever May Not Want to Cuddle

While golden retrievers are generally known for their affectionate nature, there are several reasons why they may not want to cuddle at certain times:

1.      Health Issues

If your golden retriever is not feeling well or is in pain, they may prefer to be left alone. 

It’s important for you to check for signs of discomfort or changes in behavior and consult with a veterinarian if needed.

You should also notice any sudden behavior change so it will become easier for your vet to diagnose any illness or injury. 

2.      Overstimulation or Understimulation

Overstimulation or understimulation can play a major role in your golden retriever not feeling cuddly. 

If your dog is understimulated, they may show inappropriate behavior, which may lead you to ask questions like “do golden retrievers bite?”, “are golden retrievers aggressive?” or “do golden retrievers bark a lot?”.

RECOMMENDED READING: Do Golden Retrievers Attack Humans?

These are some of the signs of aggressive behavior when dogs don’t receive enough physical and mental activity. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Being Aggressive?

On the other hand, if your golden retriever has had an active or exciting day, they may need some quiet time alone rather than cuddling.

3.      Temperature Preferences

Dogs can be sensitive to temperature. 

If it’s too hot or too cold, your golden retriever may not be comfortable cuddling. 

4.      Fear or Anxiety

New or unfamiliar situations can trigger anxiety in dogs. For instance, fireworks, moving to a new house, people arguing nearby, or a new pet in the house. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

If your golden retriever is anxious or fearful, they may prefer to keep a distance rather than cuddle until they familiarize themselves with their new environment and begin to feel more comfortable.

5.      Previous Negative Experiences

If your golden retriever has had negative experiences associated with cuddling, such as being startled or uncomfortable, they may be hesitant to cuddle in the future.

Moreover, if you adopted your dog from a shelter where they received mistreatment or had abusive owners, they might avoid too much physical contact like cuddling. 

As dogs age, their preferences and behaviors may change. Some may even develop health issues, which can make them feel unconformable and frustrated. 

Senior dogs, for instance, may experience joint pain or arthritis, making them less inclined to snuggle.

7.      Hunger

If your golden retriever feels hungry due to an empty stomach, they may not be in the mood for cuddling.

Just like humans, dogs may prioritize satisfying their basic needs before engaging in social behaviors. 

That’s why you should ensure they have been fed and have had an opportunity for a bathroom break before expecting cuddle time.

8.      Emotional State or Depression

Golden retrievers can experience changes in their emotional well-being. 

If your dog is showing signs of depression, such as lethargy, changes in appetite, or disinterest in activities, they may not be as inclined to snuggle. 

It is crucial to monitor their behavior and consult with your vet to address any underlying emotional or health concerns. 

9.      Lack of Socialization

Dogs that haven’t been adequately socialized may not be comfortable with close human contact like snuggling or cuddling. 

Therefore, you must properly socialize them from a young age, which can positively influence their behavior.

How to Encourage More Cuddling and Increase Cuddle Time With My Golden Retriever?

If your golden retriever isn’t as cuddly as you’d like them to be and you want to strengthen the bond with them, you can incorporate these tips:

1.      Positive Reinforcement

You can use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your golden retriever for calm and affectionate behavior. 

Offering treats, praises, or gentle petting when they engage in cuddling will further reinforce this behavior.

2.      Create Cozy Spaces

You should set up comfortable and inviting spaces for cuddling. 

For this, you can use soft blankets or dog beds in areas where you and your canine companion can relax together.

3.      Play Soft Music

Soft, calming music can create a soothing environment, helping you increase the cuddle time. 

You can experiment with different genres to find what your dog responds to positively.

A study showed that classical music has a calming influence on dogs in potentially stressful environments. 

4.      Be Patient and Respectful

It’s essential to respect your dog’s cues. 

If they show signs of wanting to be alone or need space, allow them that freedom because forcing cuddling can have the opposite effect.

5.      Share Quiet Activities

Another way you can encourage more cuddling is by engaging in quiet activities together, such as reading a book or watching TV. 

Having you close while engaging in a low-energy activity can naturally lead to cuddling.

6.      Temperature Comfort

You must make sure that the room temperature is comfortable for your dog. 

Adjusting the environment to a pleasant temperature can make cuddle time enjoyable for longer.

7.      Respect Individual Preferences

Remember that every dog is unique. Some golden retrievers may be more naturally inclined to cuddle, while others may prefer only brief moments of affection. 

You should respect and adapt to your dog’s individual preferences.

8.      Regular Exercise

You should ensure your canine companion receives regular exercise and playtime for physical and mental stimulation. 

A well-exercised dog is more likely to enjoy moments of relaxation and cuddling. 

This will also help prevent behavioral issues and provide more bonding opportunities. 

How to Cuddle Your Golden Retriever the Right Way?

When cuddling is done the right way, it can be a positive and enjoyable experience for you and your dog. You can follow the tips below:

1.      Respect Their Space

It’s better to allow your golden retriever to approach and initiate cuddling. You should respect their body language and signals.

2.      Gentle Approach

You can start with gentle petting and slow movements while avoiding sudden or forceful actions.

3.      Comfortable Position

Find a comfortable position for both you and your dog. Pay attention to their preferences—some may enjoy lying beside you, while others may prefer being held.

4.      Soft Verbal Affirmations

Use soft and soothing verbal affirmations in a calm voice, as it helps create a positive environment.

5.      Consider Their Preferences

Learn your dog’s preferred petting spots and the level of physical contact they enjoy. You should adapt your cuddling style to match their comfort.

You should monitor your dog’s comfort level. Give your golden retriever space if they show signs of stress or restlessness.

Cuddling Dos and Don’ts

We have shared the table below that contains the essential dos and don’ts of cuddling to help create an enjoyable experience for you and your golden retriever.

Cuddling DosCuddling Don’ts
-Do observe body language
-Do start gently
-Do respect their space
-Do choose comfortable positions
-Do provide a cozy environment
-Do use soft verbal affirmations
-Do monitor their comfort
-Do incorporate bonding activities
-Don’t force cuddling
-Don’t overwhelm
-Don’t disregard body language
-Don’t use sudden movements
-Don’t cuddle during high-energy moments
-Don’t forget individual preferences

How to Tell If Your Golden Retriever Isn’t Enjoying Cuddling?

When you notice any of the behaviors mentioned below, stop cuddling and give your dog their personal space. 

  • Your golden retriever’s body may become stiff and tense
  • They may constantly avoid or move away when you attempt to cuddle 
  • They may excessively lick or pant, which signals stress during cuddling
  • They may appear restless, i.e., constantly shifting or fidgeting
  • Frequent yawning or lip licking can signal stress
  • Growling or whining can indicate displeasure
  • Continuous attempts to escape your grasp can signal a desire to avoid cuddling

RELATED: Why Do Golden Retrievers Lick So Much?

Other Ways to Show Your Golden Retriever Affection

Cuddling is one of many ways to show love to your dog. However, it’s possible your dog may not enjoy cuddling. 

Let’s look at ways other than cuddling to show your golden retriever affection.

1.      Playful Interactions

You can engage in interactive play sessions with toys, games like fetch, or playful activities to build a strong connection with your dog.

2.      Quality Time Outdoors

Taking your golden retriever on outdoor adventures, walks, or hikes can help you build memories and enjoy each other’s company.

Some outdoor adventure ideas include exploring a nearby trail, visiting a dog-friendly park, or having a beach day.

3.      Verbal Affirmations

You can use a positive tone when speaking to your golden retriever, offering encouragement and affection like good boy/girl, I love you, and you’re the best.

4.      Gentle Petting and Massage

Our dogs never say no to gentle petting and massages!

Even if your dog doesn’t enjoy cuddles, you can offer gentle petting and massages, focusing on areas your dog enjoys.

5.      Grooming and Care

Some dogs may appreciate regular grooming and care, such as brushing, bathing, and nail trimming, more than cuddling. 

This can also keep your golden retriever in good shape while strengthening the bond between you.

6.      Celebrate Milestones

Acknowledge and celebrate special occasions, milestones, or achievements with your canine companion, making them feel valued and loved.

It can include anything from birthdays and training achievements to health milestones. 

You can treat them to special outings, toys, or pampering sessions to strengthen your bond.

How Should I Handle My Golden Retriever Wanting to Cuddle House Guests and Other People?

Whenever guests come over to your home or you’re out and about with your golden retriever, you can allow your dog to cuddle with guests or other people IF they are okay with it, too.

Although it’s hard for individuals to resist this lovable breed, some may not feel comfortable cuddling with them. 

You can incorporate various strategies to handle your golden retriever’s desire to cuddle with house guests and other people if the recipient is not okay with it.

You should teach your golden retriever basic obedience training like “sit,” “stay,” and “down” so you have control over their behavior, especially when guests arrive or when they interact with strangers.

This will ensure your dog and the recipient are comfortable and have a positive experience with each other.

You should also train your dog to greet guests politely. Encourage them to sit and wait until given permission to approach.   

You can reward calm behavior with treats and praise to reinforce this idea. 

Exposing your golden retriever to various people and situations during their socialization period can help them become more comfortable and less excitable around guests.

Do Golden Retrievers Working as Therapy or Service Dogs Cuddle?

Yes, golden retrievers working as therapy or service dogs usually display affectionate behavior, including cuddling, which can be a bit different than a regular pet due to their nature of work.

Although their primary duty as a therapy or service dog is to assist individuals with disabilities or provide therapeutic support, they may naturally incorporate comforting and affectionate behaviors into their work.

Cuddling and physical contact can be part of the therapeutic process, which provides emotional support and comfort to the individuals they serve. 

For instance, therapy dogs may sit or lie close to individuals during therapy sessions for a calming presence.

The specific behaviors of a therapy and service golden retriever can vary based on their training, individual temperament, and work requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.      Are golden retrievers clingy?

Golden retrievers are known for their affectionate nature and may want to be closer to their owners. This behavior often shows their strong bond and affection towards their owners. Some may be more clingy than others, which reflects their unique personalities. 

2.      Do golden retrievers like to be kissed?

Golden Retrievers generally respond well to affection, including kisses, as it can be a way for them to feel loved and connected. However, observing your dog’s reactions and comfort level is important, as preferences can vary. Always respect their boundaries to maintain a positive and trusting relationship.

3.      Are male or female golden retrievers more cuddly?

Cuddliness can vary among individual golden retrievers, regardless of gender. 

Generally, male golden retrievers often offer attention and aim to please, while female golden retrievers may seek more attention from their owners. However, both boy and girl golden retrievers can be equally loving and enjoy cuddling with you.

4.      Why do goldens lick so much?

Golden retrievers love to lick to show they care, seek attention, or share excitement. It’s their doggy way of saying “I love you” and strengthening the bond. If your golden licks a lot, it’s usually because they’re happy to be around you. But if it seems too much, it’s always good to check with your vet to ensure they’re feeling their best.


Golden retrievers generally love to cuddle as they are naturally affectionate and people-pleasers. However, some dogs may not be too cuddly, and that’s normal as individual preferences vary. You should monitor your dog’s comfort level while cuddling or snuggling and act accordingly. 

Besides cuddling, your golden retriever may want to sleep with you to show love or incorporate other ways. If you want to know all the details, read these articles next:

Do Golden Retrievers Like to Sleep With Their Owners?

How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection?

Why Does My Golden Retriever Sit On Me?

Why Does My Golden Retriever Bring Me Things?

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