Are Male Or Female Golden Retrievers More Affectionate?

When it comes to choosing between a male and a female golden retriever, many potential owners find themselves pondering a common question: are male or female golden retrievers more affectionate?

In this article, we will offer you detailed insights that will assist you in understanding what to expect in terms of love and companionship from each gender.

Are Male or Female Golden Retrievers More Loving?

Golden retrievers, regardless of gender, are known for their affectionate nature. 

Generally, male golden retrievers might demonstrate their love more openly, often seeking more attention and physical closeness. 

Female golden retrievers, while also very loving, may exhibit a slightly more reserved or independent approach to expressing their affection. 

However, it’s crucial to understand that individual personality traits play a significant role in how a golden retriever expresses love. 

Factors such as upbringing, socialization, and individual experiences can shape their loving behaviors. 

What Are the Key Temperament Differences between Male and Female Golden Retrievers?

The temperament of golden retrievers, whether male or female, typically includes traits like friendliness, loyalty, and gentleness. 

However, there are subtle differences that can be generally observed between the genders:

Male Golden Retrievers 

Male golden retrievers are often characterized by a more playful and outgoing nature. 

They tend to be more attention-seeking and can exhibit puppy-like behavior for a longer period. 

Males may also be more lively and energetic, requiring frequent interaction and engagement.

Watch this video of a male golden retriever cuddling with his owner!

Female Golden Retrievers 

Female golden retrievers, on the other hand, are often perceived as more independent and self-contained. 

They might mature faster than males, resulting in a more relaxed and controlled behavior.

RELATED: What Are Golden Retriever Puppy Behavior Stages? 

Females can be just as affectionate as males but might be subtler in showing their love.

Are Female Golden Retrievers Affectionate?

Yes, female golden retrievers are affectionate. 

Golden retrievers as a breed are known for their loving and friendly nature, and this trait is common in both males and females. 

Female golden retrievers often form strong bonds with their families and are known for their loyalty and gentle disposition.

While individual personalities vary, many female golden retrievers enjoy cuddling, being close to their human companions, and showing their affection through various ways like licking, following their owners around, and seeking attention. 

Recommended Reading: How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection?

Also Read: Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere?

They are typically great with children and make wonderful family pets due to their nurturing and affectionate nature.

It’s important to remember that each dog is unique, and their upbringing, socialization, and environment also play a significant role in shaping their behavior and how they express affection.

Are Male Golden Retrievers More Affectionate Than Females? 

Many potential pet parents ask, “Are male golden retrievers more affectionate?”.

Male golden retrievers are generally observed to be more affectionate than females. 

Many golden retriever owners report that males tend to be cuddlier and more openly affectionate​​. 

Recommended Reading: Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle? 

Males are often described as craving more attention from humans, which can make them appear more affectionate or clingy​​.

However, it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual, and these observations are not hard and fast rules. 

There can be wide variations within each gender, and a dog’s environment, upbringing, and individual personality significantly influence their behavior​​. 

Female golden retrievers, while sometimes more independent, are still affectionate and can be cuddly, though they may express their affection differently and may not seek attention as much as males​​.

Overall, while male golden retrievers are often observed to be more openly affectionate, this does not mean that female golden retrievers are not affectionate or loving. 

Both genders of golden retrievers are capable of forming deep, affectionate bonds with their owner.

Golden Retriever Male vs. Female Personality

Based on general observations, here are the differences between male and female golden retriever personality.

Male Golden Retrievers

  • Generally goofier and more playful than females​​.
  • Often described as extremely affectionate, very playful, and loyal​​.
  • Tend to be more attention-seeking, easier to socialize with people, and love to please their owner​​.
  • Reach mental maturity slower but physical maturity quicker.
  • More likely to bond with all family members and less suspicious of strangers.
  • Can be more stubborn and less likely to get along with other dogs or animals​​.

Recommended Reading: Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats?

Female Golden Retrievers

  • More independent, dominant over other dogs, stubborn, and protective​​.
  • Often more caring and in tune with your emotions than males​​.
  • More focused and easier to train, and less playful all the time​​.
  • Reach mental maturity quicker and physical maturity slower.
  • Tend to protect an individual (her owner) and are more cautious around kids.
  • Less attention-seeking and more independent, respecting personal space​.
Check out this adorable video of a female golden retriever being protective about her owner!

Are Male or Female Golden Retrievers Better?

Which is better male or female golden retriever?

Determining whether male or female golden retrievers are “better” is subjective and largely depends on the preferences and lifestyle of the potential owner. 

Both genders have their unique traits and can make wonderful pets.

Males are typically more playful, affectionate, and may bond with all family members, while females are often more independent, focused, and may bond more closely with one person.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on what characteristics you’re looking for in a dog and how well they match your living situation, family dynamics, and personal preferences. 

It’s essential to consider individual personality and upbringing, as these factors can significantly influence a dog’s behavior, sometimes more than their gender.

Male or Female Golden Retriever Pros and Cons

The pros and cons of owning male and female golden retrievers can be summarized as follows:

Male Golden Retrievers

Pros: Tend to be more playful, affectionate, and loyal. They are often very attention-seeking, love to please their owner and bond well with all family members​​.

Cons: Behavioral issues like unwanted urination and marking territory are more common. They may exhibit behaviors like humping more frequently, especially if not neutered​​.

Female Golden Retrievers

Pros: Generally more independent and focused, easier to train, and less playful all the time. They tend to be more cautious around kids and cleaner​​.

Cons: Females go into heat, which requires extra care, and they are reportedly less affectionate and cuddly compared to males. They might bond more closely with one person​​.

Check out this video of a female golden retriever being obedient and responsive to training commands!

Are Female Golden Retrievers Calmer Than Males?

Female golden retrievers are often perceived as being calmer than males, especially as they mature. 

This perception is likely due to their tendency to be more independent and less attention-seeking compared to males. 

While male golden retrievers may display more playful and energetic behavior, females generally reach mental maturity quicker, which means they tend to be calmer and not as overly energetic as males.

However, individual personalities vary widely, and there are certainly energetic female golden retrievers and calm males. 

The environment, training, and upbringing play a significant role in shaping a dog’s behavior, regardless of gender.

How Suitable Are Male and Female Golden Retrievers for Families and Children?

Golden retrievers, both male and female, are known for their suitability as family pets, including their interactions with children. 

Here’s an overview of how each gender may fit into family settings:

Male Golden Retrievers

  • Tend to be more playful, bringing lively energy to family settings​​.
  • Can be more territorial, but this also translates into a protective nature for the family, like “valiant knights guarding their castle”​​.
  • May exhibit behaviors like stubbornness, which can make training a bit more challenging.
  • Their need for attention and social nature make them well-suited for families and children, as they enjoy being around humans and other dogs​​.

Recommended Reading: Do Golden Retrievers And Huskies Get Along?

Female Golden Retrievers

  • Often display a calm and reserved demeanor, acting as composed and gentle companions, which can be beneficial in a family environment​​.
  • Are generally easier to train due to their eagerness to please, making them well-adapted to family life and interactions with children​​.
  • More protective of family members, akin to “caring queens watching over their subjects,” which can be an asset in a family setting​​.
  • Though they are independent, females are still affectionate and good with children, although they might show their affection in more subtle ways compared to males​​.

Both genders are known for being gentle, patient, and loving with children, making either a suitable choice depending on family preferences and individual dog temperament​.

What Are Some Common Myths and Misconceptions About the Affection Levels of Male and Female Golden Retrievers?

Some common myths and misconceptions about the affection levels of male and female golden retrievers include:

Myth#1: Gender Determines Affection

A prevalent myth is that a golden retriever’s gender directly determines their level of affection. 

However, affection in golden retrievers is not predominantly determined by gender but by individual temperament and personality

Each dog is unique, and their affection levels can vary regardless of whether they are male or female​​.

Myth#2: Males Are Always More Affectionate

It’s often believed that male golden retrievers are inherently more affectionate than females. 

While some male golden retrievers may exhibit more affectionate behavior than some females, the opposite can also be true. 

Individual personality plays a more significant role in determining affection levels than gender​​.

Myth#3: Females Are Less Affectionate

There’s a misconception that female golden retrievers are less affectionate than males. 

In reality, female golden retrievers can be just as affectionate as males, though they may show their affection differently

Factors such as socialization, upbringing, and the dog’s individual personality are more influential in shaping their affectionate behavior than their gender​​.

What Do Real Owners Say About Their Experiences with Male and Female Golden Retrievers?

To better know about the experiences of real owners with female and male golden retrievers, we scoured through a thread from a golden retriever forum site. 

Male Golden Retrievers

Owners often describe male goldens as affectionate, friendly, and gentle. 

They are known for being playful “goofballs” and for their loveable nature. 

One owner mentioned that males are more like “big teddy bears” who might sit “ON” you rather than next to you, showing their affection openly​​​​​​.

Female Golden Retrievers

Female goldens are often viewed as more serious, reserved, and independent compared to males. 

They are affectionate but may express their love more subtly. 

Females are described as thinkers, showing their affection on their own terms. 

One owner shared that their female golden was always trying to be in the lap and was very loving​​.

General Observations

A common theme among owners is that each golden retriever, regardless of gender, has a unique personality. 

While some generalizations about males being “I love you” dogs and females being more “Love me” can be observed, every dog is different and may not fit these stereotypes.

Here’s what real golden retriever owners had to say about their male and female golden retrievers on a different thread.

Male Golden Retrievers

Some owners believe that male golden retrievers are typically more loving and less independent. 

They are often described as affectionate and in need of attention​​​​.

Female Golden Retrievers

Female golden retrievers are often seen as loving and loyal. 

They are said to be a bit more independent, but this doesn’t detract from their affectionate nature​​​​. 

Some owners have noted their female golden retrievers being physically affectionate, wanting to be close, and receiving petting for extended periods​​​​.

Individual Personality over Gender

Many owners emphasize that individual personality plays a significant role, sometimes more than gender. 

They have experienced different levels of affection, playfulness, and independence within both male and female golden retrievers, suggesting that each dog has their own unique character​.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Do male golden retrievers like to cuddle?

Yes, male golden retrievers generally love to cuddle. They are known for their affectionate and friendly nature, often seeking physical closeness and enjoying being near their human companions. This breed’s sociable demeanor makes them enthusiastic cuddlers and devoted family pets.

2.    Do female golden retrievers cuddle?

Female golden retrievers also enjoy cuddling, although they might do so on their own terms. They are affectionate but may exhibit a bit more independence compared to males. When they seek affection, they can be just as loving and cuddly as their male counterparts.

3.    Are male golden retrievers needy?

Male golden retrievers can be quite needy, often seeking more attention and affection compared to females. They are known for their loving, sociable nature and may require more interaction and companionship, sometimes displaying behaviors that reflect their desire for constant engagement and closeness.

4.    Are female golden retrievers loyal?

Yes, female golden retrievers are known for their loyalty. They form strong bonds with their families and can be just as devoted and faithful as males. Their loyalty, combined with a slightly more independent nature, makes them reliable and affectionate companions.

5.    Is it better to get a girl or boy golden retriever?

The choice between a girl or boy golden retriever depends on personal preference and lifestyle. Boys tend to be more playful and affectionate, while girls are often more independent and composed. Both are loyal and loving, so consider which temperament aligns best with your family’s needs.


Both male and female golden retrievers bring their own unique qualities and charm, making them wonderful companions. 

Whether you choose a playful male or an independent female, you’re sure to find a loyal, affectionate friend in a golden retriever, perfectly suited to your family and lifestyle.

Choosing a name for your new golden retriever, be it male or female, is both an enjoyable and important part of welcoming them into your life. Check out this article next for a plethora of name ideas, including female golden retriever names and male names!

1500+ Best Golden Retriever Puppy Names 

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