Why Do Golden Retrievers Paw at You? (9 Surprising Reasons!)

After spending some time with your golden, you may wonder, “Why do golden retrievers give you their paw?”. 

Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why golden retrievers paw at you so that you can understand them better. 

Why Do Golden Retrievers Want You to Hold Their Paw? 

Golden retrievers want you to hold their paw for many reasons. Let’s discuss these reasons below. 

1.      Seeking Attention and Affection 

Dogs often express their affection by seeking physical contact with their owners. 

RECOMMENDED READING: How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection?

By holding their paws, you give them all the attention and affection they desire. 

2.      Learned Behavior 

Your golden retriever may have learned through experience that they get rewards for getting you to hold their paw. 

If you tend to give them things such as toys, treats, food, or extra attention, they will likely do it more to get more rewards. 

3.      Communication and Comfort 

Dogs communicate through their body language. 

Paw-holding can be a way for them to communicate their needs or feelings to you. It may be a sign that your golden retriever is seeking reassurance and comfort. 

4.      Playfulness 

Your golden retriever may want you to hold their paw to initiate playtime. They may be bored and want a playmate. 

5.      Training and Commands 

Some dogs are trained to perform specific actions, including offering their paw, as a part of basic obedience training. 

If your golden retriever has been trained to give their paw and has received positive reinforcement for doing so, they may continue to offer their paw as a learned behavior.

Another reason can be if the previous owners trained your dog to get you to hold their paw, especially if your dog was not a puppy when you adopted them. 

RELATED: When Can Golden Retriever Puppies Leave Their Mother?

6.      Social Bonding 

Dogs are social animals, and they enjoy interacting with their human companion. 

Your golden retriever would like you to initiate social interaction by holding their paw. 

Why Do Golden Retrievers Put Their Paw on You? 

You might have noticed your golden retriever pawing at you, which would have made you curious enough to know the reasons behind this behavior. 

Let’s look at those reasons below:

1.      Attention 

You may wonder why do golden retrievers paw at you when they want attention. 

As they love to interact with their owners, they long for a physical form of attention. 

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle?

If they find this interaction rewarding, they are likely to repeat the behavior to get the attention they desire. 

So, by putting a paw on you they divert your attention from whatever you are doing to them.

2.      They Want to Play 

When your golden retriever paws at you, especially with a wagging tail and an eager expression, it means that they are excited and want to engage in some sort of activity like playing with a ball or chewing toys. 

3.      They Want Something You Have 

You might have thought why do golden retrievers paw at you when they need something, but did you realize this usually happens when you have their favorite item like a toy? 

If your dog sees you holding a toy or treat, they may paw at you to express interest and excitement

They may paw at you until you give them what they want. In some cases, they may know where their toy is but they will need your help to get it. 

4.      They Want Food 

Why do golden retrievers paw at you when you are eating? 

Your golden retriever may put their paw on your arm or near your face, as a sign that they want what you are eating.

Even if you are not holding onto any food at all, this can happen if it’s close to their mealtime. A dog might paw at you as a way of expressing hunger and a desire to have their food. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Is My Golden Retriever Always Hungry?

5.      They Want to Go Outside 

Dogs often use pawing as a signal that they need to go outside for a potty break

But if they have already relieved themselves, it means now they want to play outside or go for a walk

Furthermore, as golden retrievers are active dogs, it is natural for them to ask to go outside. 

6.      They Want to Say Sorry 

Dogs can even apologize to humans to show that they are sorry about something. As golden retrievers are people-focused dogs, they can be stressed by upsetting their owner. 

But as they can’t turn to you and apologize, by placing their paw on your arm or leg they tell you that they are sorry for something they did wrong

This means they can sense when you are upset with them. 

Maybe because they growled at you, didn’t follow your rules, or ripped apart something in your home. 

RELATED: Golden Retriever Snarling: Here’s Why and What to Do!

7.      They Want to Comfort You 

Dogs are highly perceptive creatures. 

If they sense that something is wrong or if their owner is upset, they may try to cheer you up by offering you a gentle paw at your hands or feet to give you extra love. 

The intention is to provide support and be close to the person they care about. 

8.      They Want You to Pet Them 

Just like humans, dogs crave love and attention from their owners. You may notice your golden retriever will paw your arm or leg. 

This could indicate a desire for affection and physical comfort from their owners. This means they want you to pet them or ruffle their fur affectionately

9.      They Want a Reward 

Your dog may also paw at you to let you know they want a reward.

This might suggest that your golden retriever is seeking positive reinforcement or a treat for good behavior or after performing a task

Pawing then could mean they want a reward for the good thing they did. They will feel happy when you do this. 

Can My Golden Retriever Use Their Paws Too Much? 

Yes, your golden retriever can use their paws too much. While it’s natural for dogs, including golden retrievers, to use their paws for various activities. However excessive or inappropriate paw use can be concerning. 

The following reasons explain why your golden retriever may use their paws too much. 

  • Puppies, in particular, may use their paws more frequently during play and exploration, which is a normal behavior. 
  • Some dogs may use their paws inappropriately due to behavioral issues, anxiety, or stress. For example, excessive pawing at doors or people might indicate a need for attention or an attempt to communicate. 
  • Pawing can also be a sign of dominance. If your golden retriever doesn’t stop excessive pawing even when you ask them to, it shows that they are trying to show dominance. 

7 Practical Ways to Address Excessive Pawing Behavior in Golden Retrievers 

Excessive pawing in dogs, including golden retrievers, can be a behavioral issue that may have various underlying causes. 

It’s essential to identify the root of the problem before addressing the behavior. Here are some tips to help you manage and reduce this behavior. 

1.      Giving Your Dog the Attention They Need 

See if you are lacking in giving the desired attention to your golden retriever. Spend quality time with your dog. 

Dogs are social animals and crave companionship. 

Play games, go for walks, or simply relax together to strengthen the bond between you and your dog. 

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Like Water?

2.      Satisfy Their Needs 

Sometimes dogs paw when their needs, such as needing to go outside or to be fed, are not satisfied.

Make sure your golden retriever gets regular feedings and potty breaks, to keep them calm and minimize their pawing. 

3.      Reward Calm Behavior 

Reward your golden retriever when they exhibit the desired behavior like pawing only on cue like “shake”

Positive reinforcement can include treats, praise, or toys. This helps your dog associate good behavior with positive outcomes. 

Don’t respond to any other type of pawing as it will encourage unwanted pawing. 

4.      Provide Ample Exercise and Mental Stimulation 

Ensure your golden retriever gets enough physical and mental stimulation regularly. 

A tired dog is less likely to engage in unwanted behaviors like pawing. 

Ensure your dog gets enough physical exercise daily like regular walks and playtime. 

This helps in burning off excess energy and reduces boredom, which can contribute to pawing behavior. 

Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. 

Provide puzzle toys, engage in training sessions, or introduce new activities to keep your golden retriever’s mind occupied. 

5.      Ignore the Behavior 

The best way to discourage excessive pawing behavior is by simply ignoring it. Don’t engage with your dog until this behavior stops. 

Ignoring the unwanted behavior is far more effective than reacting to it, as by reacting to it you are giving them the attention they desire. 

Reward the calm and desired behavior of your golden retriever with attention or treats. 

6.      Provide a Quiet and Comfortable Space 

Creating a safe and personal area for your golden retriever, like a bed or crate, can help reduce anxiety-induced pawing by offering them a sense of security and relaxation.

RECOMMENDED READING: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

Designate a quiet and comfortable space for your golden retriever with their bed or crate. 

Encourage them to go there when they need a break. 

Make sure they have easy access to food, water, and toys in this designated area. 

RECOMMENDED READING: How Much Water Should a Golden Retriever Puppy Drink?

7.      Rule Out Medical Issues 

If your golden retriever suddenly starts pawing excessively, it’s essential to rule out any underlying medical issues that could be causing pain or discomfort.

Consulting with your vet is recommended. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Why do golden retrievers lick so much?

Golden retrievers often lick as a display of affection, to groom, or to show care. It’s also a way for them to communicate, attract attention, and relieve stress or boredom, especially in anxious dogs or those suffering from separation anxiety. Licking is a natural and expressive behavior for these dogs.

2.    Why do goldens like to hold hands?

Goldens usually like to hold hands to express their social nature, seeking attention or affection due to their love for interaction. This behavior can indicate their needs like food or playtime, or a desire for closeness. It’s also linked to their instinctive tendencies as working dogs, using paws for tasks.

3.    When I pet my dog he puts his paw on me?

When you pet your dog, and they put their paw on you, it’s typically a form of communication and seeking attention. This learned behavior from a young age can indicate their wish for more petting or affection. It also represents trust and connection, showing their comfort and longing for closeness. 

4.    Why does my dog paw me when I stop petting him?

When your dog paws you after you stop petting him, it’s typically a way of saying “Don’t stop”. This behavior indicates that he enjoys the petting and wants it to continue. Dogs often use pawing as a form of communication to express their needs or desires, and in this context, it’s a request for more affection or attention.

5.    Why do dogs give you their paw without asking?

Dogs give you their paw without asking mainly to seek attention and affection. This gesture can signify their desire for closeness or to communicate a need, like asking for food or more petting. It’s a learned behavior showing their social nature and desire to bond with their human companions.


Golden retrievers paw at you primarily for attention, to express affection, or to convey needs such as hunger or wanting to go outside. Pawing can also become habitual or be a way of seeking comfort. 

In some cases, it may indicate a health issue, so if it seems excessive or accompanied by other signs of distress, consulting a vet is recommended. Understanding the context and accompanying body language can help determine the reason behind the pawing.

If you’re interested in learning more about the various behaviors of your golden retriever, we recommend checking out these articles next:

Why Do Golden Retrievers Like to Hold Hands?

Why Does My Golden Retriever Follow Me Everywhere?

Unveiling Golden Retriever Quirks: 45 Behavior Facts

Why Do Golden Retrievers Carry Things?

Why Do Golden Retrievers Love Socks? 

Why Does My Golden Retriever Sit On Me?

Why Do Golden Retrievers Go Between Your Legs?

Why Do Golden Retrievers Steal Things?

Why Do Golden Retrievers Smile?

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