Why Do Golden Retrievers Love Socks? (8 Surprising Reasons!)

As a proud golden retriever owner, you’ve likely encountered the daily challenge of missing socks, which always end up in your dog’s paws, making you wonder – why do golden retrieves love socks so much?

There can also be many other reasons that explain your dog’s love for socks, which we will discuss in this article, along with valuable tips!

Why Do Golden Retrievers Like Socks So Much?

Whether you’re tired of slobber-soaked, canine-chewed socks or want to keep your dog safe from choking hazards, it’s essential to understand the reasons behind this behavior.

Let’s take a look at the 8 main reasons golden retrievers love socks. 

1.    Socks Have Your Scent On Them

Golden retrievers, with their acute sense of smell and strong bond with their owners, are naturally drawn to socks that carry the familiar scent of their human companions. 

Research shows that dogs can smell 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans!

So, for us, it might be just sweaty, stinky socks. 

Whereas, for golden retrievers, they carry the comforting scent of their human companions.

The familiar smell creates a sense of comfort and connection for these affectionate dogs.

A study on dogs revealed that the caudate nucleus, a part of the brain associated with positive emotions, showed maximal activation in response to scents from familiar humans. 

This highlights the strong positive association dogs have with human smells. 

2.    Instinctual Behavior To Carry Things In Their Mouths

As golden retrievers were bred to retrieve waterfowl for hunters, they have a strong, instinctual drive to carry objects in their mouths. 

Recommended Reading: Why Do Golden Retrievers Carry Things?

Not to mention, golden retrievers are known for their soft mouths too, which is why they could carry the game without damaging it.

Since waterfowl were also generally light and soft, goldens might be drawn to socks due to their similar texture.

3.    Chewing On Socks Feels Good

When golden retriever puppies go through their teething phase, they experience discomfort in their gums as new teeth emerge. 

Chewing becomes a natural way for them to soothe their gums

Recommended Reading: When Do Golden Retriever Puppies Stop Biting?

Also Read: Do Golden Retrievers Chew A Lot?

With their soft and pliable texture, socks serve as a comforting source. 

You might also find your golden retriever puppy chewing/biting other things like your furniture.

However, if your adult golden retriever has dental issues, they might also chew on socks or other things to relieve discomfort.

4.    Exploration and Curiosity

Golden retrievers are naturally curious beings whose liking for exploring the world drives them to engage with various objects, including socks. 

The textures, scents, and even the crinkling sounds of socks provide these inquisitive dogs a unique and intriguing experience. 

Chewing on socks becomes a way for them to satisfy their curiosity and understand the world around them.

Watch this video of a golden retriever stealing and carrying socks in her mouth!

5.    Boredom

We all golden retriever owners know that goldens are high-energy dogs. 

When these active dogs lack mental and physical stimulation, they seek outlets for their energy. 

This can lead to inappropriate “aggressive” behaviors like barking, jumping, and excessive chewing. 

Recommended Reading: Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Being Aggressive? 

Also Read: Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much?

Chewing becomes a self-soothing activity, offering a way to pass the time and stay mentally engaged

6.    Attention-Seeking Behavior

Golden retrievers are known for their friendly and people-oriented nature. 

They may engage in sock-chewing as a form of attention-seeking behavior if you’re not giving them enough attention

These affectionate dogs often perceive the act of taking and interacting with socks as a way to get responses from their human companions. 

The attention received, whether in the form of play, laughter, or reprimand, reinforces this behavior, making it a successful strategy for seeking attention. 

7.    You Leave Them Lying Around

Golden retrievers may become fond of sock-chewing if socks are frequently left unattended within their reach

These opportunistic dogs, guided by their natural curiosity, may be drawn to socks left lying around, viewing them as potential play items

Furthermore, putting socks in a laundry basket without a lid is another perfect target for golden retrievers to scavenge and steal socks.

RELATED: Why Do Golden Retrievers Steal Things?

8.    Pica Could Be The Reason

In some cases, golden retrievers may exhibit sock-chewing behavior due to a condition known as pica. 

Pica was one of the most frequent behavioral problems dog owners reported.

Pica is a behavior in which dogs eat non-food items. This can include fabric (like socks!), plastic, paper, or other materials not part of their regular diet. 

RELATED: Why Does My Golden Retriever Eat Grass?

This behavior could indicate nutritional deficiencies, anxiety, or other underlying health issues.

RELATED: Why Is My Golden Retriever Always Hungry? 

Consulting with your vet allows for a thorough examination, helping to identify and address any potential health concerns associated with this behavior. 

Health Risks Associated with Sock Obsession

While you might sometimes find your golden retriever stealing socks cute, it’s essential to understand the potential health risks associated with their sock obsession, which we will discuss below.

1.    Choking Hazard

A significant health risk linked to a golden retriever’s sock obsession is the potential for choking. 

When dogs chew on socks, there is a risk of small pieces breaking off and becoming lodged in their throats, leading to choking. 

2.    Digestive Issues

Swallowing sock fragments or an entire sock can lead to blockages in the digestive tract

This can result in severe complications, including gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, and potential surgical intervention to remove the obstruction.

3.    Chemical Exposure

Socks may retain traces of detergents, fabric softeners, or other chemicals used in the laundry process. 

Ingesting or chewing on socks that contain these substances can lead to stomach upset, nausea, or more severe reactions. 

4.    Bacterial Contamination

Socks, often found in various environments, can harbor bacteria, fungi, or other harmful microorganisms. 

When chewed or ingested, these contaminants may lead to gastrointestinal infections or other health issues. 

Tips To Prevent Your Golden Retriever from Stealing and Chewing Your Socks

Now that you know the reasons and potential health risks associated with chewing socks, here are practical tips to prevent your golden retriever from stealing and chewing your socks for their well-being and your peace of mind.

1.    Supervise and Train Early

Golden retriever puppies may be more prone to exploring the world through their mouths. 

RELATED: When Do Golden Retriever Puppies Get Easier?

You can redirect their attention away from socks by closely supervising them and providing appropriate chew toys. 

Consistent training reinforces good behavior, teaching them what items are acceptable to chew and play with and setting the foundation for responsible behavior as they grow.

2.    Provide Ample Toys

Dogs, especially in their puppy phase, explore the world through their mouths, and offering a variety of toys can redirect this behavior. 

Opt for pet-safe toys with different textures, shapes, and interactive features to keep them mentally stimulated and engaged. 

Make sure to rotate these toys regularly to offer them a unique variety, reducing the likelihood of them turning to socks for entertainment. 

Supervise their initial interactions with new toys, ensuring safety, and promptly replace any damaged or worn toys. 

3.    Use Sock Alternatives

By offering suitable alternatives, you redirect your dog’s attention away from socks, satisfying their natural urge to chew while minimizing the associated health risks. 

Here are some safe and appealing alternatives to socks.

  • Pet-Friendly Chew Toys: Offer chew toys designed specifically for dogs, ensuring they are durable and safe for your pet.
  • Rope Toys: Dogs often enjoy the texture of rope toys, providing a satisfying chewing experience without the risks associated with socks.
  • Plush Toys: Soft plush toys can mimic the comforting feel of socks. Opt for those labeled as pet-safe and durable to withstand chewing.

4.    Use Bitter Sprays or Deterrents

Dogs generally dislike the bitter flavor, which can also help discourage them from chewing.

Hence, you can apply a pet-safe bitter spray on socks to create an unappealing taste. 

You can also use pet-safe deterrents that emit a scent that dogs find unpleasant.

Regularity is vital in reinforcing the association between the undesirable taste or scent and sock-chewing.

Pro Tip: Before widespread application, test the bitter spray or deterrent in a small, hidden area to ensure it doesn’t damage or discolor the fabric.

5.    Establish a Designated Play Area

You can create a designated play area for your golden retriever to help manage their chewing behavior.

For this, you should set aside a safe area where your dog can play without reaching socks.

Using baby gates or barriers will help limit access to specific parts of your home, helping to avoid sock encounters.

You can also fill the play area with fun toys, giving your dog alternatives to socks and making the area more attractive.

Don’t forget to use rewards and treats to link the play area with positive experiences.

6.    Consistent Training Commands with Positive Reinforcement

When training your golden retriever, use straightforward commands like “drop it” consistently.

You should always reward good behavior with treats, praise, or playtime. This helps reinforce the desired actions.

You must avoid punishment or harsh reactions, which can lead to fear and anxiety in your canine companion. 

Moreover, provide training sessions regularly to practice commands and build a routine.

While doing so, ensure everyone in your household uses the same commands to help your dog understand what’s expected.

Remember to be patient and persistent! 

Consistent training, coupled with patience, helps your golden retriever learn and remember commands effectively.

7.    Secure Laundry and Personal Items

You should create a physical barrier discouraging your golden retriever from reaching and chewing on tempting items like socks. 

Here’s how to better secure laundry and personal items. 

  • Use Closed Doors: Keep laundry rooms or bedrooms with accessible socks off-limits by closing doors.
  • Utilize Hampers or Bins: Store dirty laundry in hampers or bins with lids, making it harder for your golden retriever to access socks.
  • High Shelves: Place personal items and socks on high shelves outside your dog’s reach.
  • Close Closets: Keep closets securely closed to prevent your dog from rummaging through clothes.

8.    Provide Physical and Mental Exercise

Both physical and mental exercise reduce the likelihood of boredom-induced sock-chewing behaviors.

You should take your dog for daily walks for physical exercise, reducing excess energy that might lead to undesirable behaviors like stealing or eating socks.

Mental stimulation is equally important. Introduce toys that stimulate your dog mentally, such as puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys. 

9.    Address Anxiety or Stress

Dogs, much like humans, can experience stress or anxiety, and these emotions may manifest in undesirable actions like stealing/chewing socks. 

You must first identify stress triggers and minimize them, which could be anything from changes in routine to exposure to loud noises. 

You can also provide a safe haven with familiar scents and comforting items such as their favorite toys, a cozy bed, or a blanket with your scent.

If your dog’s anxiety persists, consulting with a vet will be your best bet. 

10. Regular Vet Check-ups

If you suspect your dog has pica or another unusual condition leading them to chew your socks excessively, it will be better to visit your vet.

Beyond addressing health concerns, these check-ups will also allow you to discuss behavioral patterns with your vet. 

They can provide tailored advice and identify and treat underlying health issues causing this behavior.

11. Consult a Professional Trainer

If nothing seems to work and you’re tired of this behavior or are worried about their health, you can consult a professional trainer.

A skilled trainer can assess your dog’s behavior, identify specific triggers, and implement targeted training techniques.


Most golden retrievers’ love for socks comes from their instincts as they were bred to retrieve waterfowl. They might also steal and carry your socks in their mouth to bond with you and feel secure and comfortable. 

Lack of physical and mental stimulation can also trigger golden retrievers to chew on socks. Identify the reason and address this behavior to ensure your dog’s well-being. 

Talking about golden retrievers’ behavior, we recommend checking out these articles next:

Do Golden Retrievers Like Water? 

Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle?

Do Golden Retrievers Jump Fences?

Do Golden Retrievers Dig? 

Why Do Golden Retrievers Go Between Your Legs?

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