Do Golden Retrievers Like to Sleep With Their Owners? (REVEALED!)

Every dog owner treats their dog like a family member. So, there’s no doubt that you may want your golden retriever to sleep with you, but most wonder if they like to sleep with their owners and if it’s ok to do so.

Most golden retrievers like to sleep with their owners because they want to strengthen the bond with them, feel secure and comfortable, and feel like a part of the family. However, some may not like it, and it’s totally normal since every dog has different preferences. 

In this article, we’ll discuss why most golden retrievers like sleeping with their owners, its benefits and drawbacks, tips to establish boundaries, and more. 

Why Do Golden Retrievers Like to Sleep With Their Owners?

According to Statista, just under two-thirds of pet owners allowed their pets to sleep with them in bed in the US. Therefore, it’s not something unusual for dog owners to sleep with their dogs on bed.

Even if pet parents allow their dogs to sleep on the bed, most dogs are happy to do so. Let’s look at factors influencing the desire for golden retrievers to sleep with their owners. 

1.    Age

Most younger dogs or puppies like sleeping with their owners because they are still young and dependent on their owners. 

Not to mention that puppies born in a litter are used to sleeping with their siblings and even mom. 

This can also influence their need to sleep with their owner to feel warmth and a sense of security. 

However, as your dog grows older, they may become more independent and may be less likely to sleep with their owners. 

2.    Instincts

You can’t take the “wild” out of dogs! They may live with you like a family member in your home but still have the pack mentality. It’s in their instincts. 

No wonder dogs love to sleep, play, and eat with their owners, just as they used to do with their pack. 

All this gives them a sense of comfort and security and even helps develop an emotional connection with their owners.

Therefore, if your golden retriever likes sleeping with you, it could be because of their instincts. 

3.    Training

Asking your dog to sleep on your bed occasionally may gradually build their routine, and they may start sleeping with you out of habit. 

Moreover, if your dog is trained to be close to you at all times, sleeping alone at night may be difficult, and they may even feel anxious. 

However, training them to sleep independently on their designated bed or crate will not make them want to sleep with you. 

4.    Health

Your golden retriever may want to sleep with you due to their poor health as they try to seek out comfort from you. 

If they suffer from health issues, they may try to sleep next to you to feel better and secure. 

5.    Protective Behavior 

Golden retrievers are family dogs for a reason. Most of them are quite protective of their owners. 

They may want to sleep next to you because they may be protective of you and want to guard you. 

6.    Preference 

Every dog is unique. You can’t expect every dog in your household to behave the same. 

Sometimes, the simple reason your golden retriever likes sleeping with you in bed may be that they prefer this way rather than sleeping otherwise. 

Their unique personality may also reflect their desire to sleep with you. They may be more social and friendly and crave close contact at all times, which may lure them into sleeping with you.

What are the Benefits of Golden Retrievers Sleeping With Their Owners?

If you’re wondering if there are any pros for your golden retriever to sleep with you, let’s take a look. 

1.    Lowers Anxiety 

If your dog has anxiety or stress or suffers from a medical condition, sleeping with them can help them calm down and fall asleep faster. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

When dogs are with someone they love and trust, they can easily fall asleep because they feel secure and comfortable. 

2.    Strengthens the Bond between Pet and Owner

Sleeping with your golden retriever can help strengthen your bond with them. 

Allowing them to sleep with you shows trust on your part, which creates a stronger bond and connection between you and your golden retriever.

3.    Decreases Loneliness

If your golden retriever suffers from separation anxiety, they may experience night-time anxiety and show symptoms like pacing, crying when left alone, and overall restlessness.

Although sleeping with them at night is not a permanent solution to this issue, some pet parents prefer sleeping with their canine companion to help calm them down at night and make them feel less lonely.

Your golden retriever can feel your companionship, security, and relaxation while they sleep well at night for their overall well-being. 

4.    Convenience 

If you have a small space, you may not be able to provide a separate space for your dog to sleep. 

Moreover, if your dog constantly needs to be supervised for some medical condition or merely to take care of their peeing/pooping/drinking water needs at night, it may be convenient for you to sleep with your dog and take better care of them. 

What are the Potential Drawbacks to a Golden Retriever Sleeping With Their Owner?

Let’s take a look at the cons of golden retrievers sleeping with their owners one by one.

1.    Limited Space  

Since golden retrievers are large dogs, they can take up a considerable space from your bed. This can make it harder for them to sleep comfortably and for you as well. 

This can even be a bigger issue for dog parents living with their partner. 

Even if you’re living alone, making your golden retriever sleep on the bed can be uncomfortable for you both unless you have a large-sized bed.

2.    Allergies

If you or your household members are allergic to dogs or have asthma, sleeping with them can exacerbate your condition as they can carry allergens like pollen. 

In addition, if your dog has fleas or ticks, you can also be their target (as a food source) when you sleep near your dog. 

3.    Cleanliness

Some pet parents are quite concerned about their dogs shedding and finding their fur around the home on every piece of furniture. 

If your golden retriever sheds a lot, keeping your bed sheet clean can be hard.

RELATED: Do Golden Retriever Puppies Shed?

In addition, your golden retriever may carry dirt from their paws, which will require you to keep changing and washing the bed sheets every other day. 

4.    Sleep Disturbances 

A study showed that human sleep efficiency was lower if the dog was on the bed as compared to merely being in the room. 

Since golden retrievers are quite vocal, they may snore, bark, or whine at night, which can have a negative impact on your sleep. 

They may also move around a lot, disturbing you at night. 

However, if you also tend to move around a lot during sleep, this can negatively impact your dog’s sleep and overall well-being.

5.    Separation Anxiety 

When your golden retriever sleeps with you every night, this may become a habit, and they may become overly attached to you. 

If they ever had to be by themselves, it would be a problem for them to sleep at night. Of course, this can lead to destructive behavior, which may be difficult for both of you. 

Tips for Successful Co-Sleeping with Your Golden Retriever

You may want to cope better with the drawbacks mentioned above to make co-sleeping with your golden retriever successful and as smooth as possible. 

Here are some effective tips for successful co-sleeping. 

1.    Help Them Relieve Themselves Before Bedtime

If you want to sleep peacefully with your pet, you must take them outside to relieve themselves before bedtime. 

Whether they want to poop or pee, this will drastically help you avoid accidents at night on your bed or having to wake up in the middle of the night to take them out. 

2.    Invest in a Properly Sized Mattress

Not having the right size mattress on your bed could compromise your and your pet’s sleep. 

Make sure you purchase the right size mattress to cover the entire bed and provide appropriate space for you and your golden retriever to sleep peacefully at night.

3.    Assign a Spot on Your Bed to Your Pet

Just like you do with your co-sleeper, you should also assign a sleeping spot to your pet. 

This will not only help establish boundaries but also help you both sleep calmly.  

Usually, when talking about dog sleeping positions on the bed, pets would like to cuddle with you before going to sleep, and then they would just find their way to the bottom of the bed to fall asleep. 

However, if you want to establish boundaries, you can train them to go to their spot instantly at bedtime. 

Having them sleep at the bottom of the bed will also help you keep your bed clean from dander, dirt, and hair while you both don’t disrupt each other’s sleep at night.

4.    Don’t Allow Aggression

Talking about setting boundaries, aggression shouldn’t be allowed on the bed. 

Your dog may display territorial behavior, such as snapping, snarling, growling, or barking, which can become a problem later on.  

Recommended Reading: Golden Retriever Snarling: Here’s Why and What to Do!

Also Read: Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much?

A dog behavior therapist may also help you teach ways to prevent aggression in bed. 

5.    Wash Sheets and Bedding Regularly 

Regularly wash the bed sheets and bedding to help you keep your bedroom clean and ensure hygiene. 

If washing sheets and bedding regularly doesn’t seem realistic, you can put a spare sheet on your bed where your dog has to sleep. 

So, you can keep the entire bed clean and wash only the spare sheet when needed.

You should also wipe down your dog’s paws and coat before they get into bed to prevent unwanted germs, pesticides, dirt, and outdoor allergens.

In addition, keeping your golden retriever clean will better prevent dirt and allergies.

6.    Keep Pets Above the Covers

If dirt (and hair) is a major concern for you when sleeping with your golden retriever, you can keep them above the covers. 

Not allowing your dog to sleep under the covers, sheets, or blankets will make sure they don’t overheat easily, start panting, and even wake you up. 

Recommended Reading: Do Golden Retrievers Pant A Lot?

7.    Keep a Doggy Bed on the Floor

You need to ensure your dog can catch all the Zzz’s, which is even more important if you’re letting your golden retriever puppy sleep on the bed. 

RELATED: Do Golden Retriever Puppies Sleep a Lot?

Just in case your golden retriever gets too hot on the bed, you should provide a doggy bed on the floor that’s best suited for them. 

This will help them maintain their ideal body temperature while sleeping comfortably. 

Moreover, if your dog is dealing with joint problems, keeping an orthopedic bed in the corner of your room will be your best bet. 

8.    Don’t Skip Their Vet Visits  

Your health is as important as your canine companion’s. To make co-sleeping more successful, you must keep your dog updated on all vaccines. 

Make sure you regularly take them to the vet to keep any diseases and allergies at bay. This will further help keep them clean and healthy. 

How to Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment for Your Golden Retriever?

Creating a comfortable sleeping environment for your golden retriever is essential for their overall health. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

  • Offer cozy bedding: The bedding should be comfortable enough for your golden retriever in terms of texture and size. Give them space of their own on the bed for independence.
  • Place their “extra” bed in the corner: When your dog isn’t feeling comfortable sleeping on the bed at night for whatever reason, make sure their bed is placed in the corner of the room to not disturb their sleep. 
  • Temperature considerations: At times, dogs may like to sleep closer to their owners for warmth, you must consider your room temperature and adjust accordingly or provide an extra blanket to them.
  • Keep favorite toys nearby: Your golden retriever may feel more comfortable sleeping near you when their favorite toys are beside them while they sleep.
  • Nighttime comfort: If your dog gets anxious in the dark, you can consider having a night light in the room to make them feel at ease to sleep with their owner.
  • Minimize disturbances: From bright light to noise or disruptions in the room, you must minimize them to help you and your golden retriever have a restful night.

Tips to Train Your Golden Retriever to Sleep in Designated Spots and Establish Boundaries

Let’s look at some tips to help you establish boundaries without compromising the bond you share with your golden retriever. 

1.    Positive Reinforcement

The spot where you want your golden retriever to sleep, be it the corner of your bedroom or on your bed, should be encouraged through positive reinforcement.

You should reward your dog with treats, affection, and praise every time they go to their designated sleeping spot to encourage the behavior. 

Negative reinforcement is a big no-no as it can create anxiety and resistance in dogs. You certainly don’t want them to feel insecure in their sleeping spot.

2.    Use Positive Commands

Consistently teaching your golden retriever positive commands like  “bedtime” or “go to your spot” while guiding them to their designated spot can reinforce the desired behavior.

3.    Scatter Their Treats

Scatter treats in the designated sleeping spot to entice your canine companion. 

In addition to making the spot appealing to them, this will build a positive connection with receiving rewards in their sleeping spot.

4.    Redirect Unwanted Behavior Gently

If your golden retriever doesn’t go to their designated sleeping spot, you should gently redirect them there.

Instead of punishing or scolding, use positive commands and rewards.

5.    Monitor and Adjust

Keep an eye on your golden retriever while training them to sleep with you. If they don’t feel comfortable or they resist the chosen spot, you should be open to making adjustments.

For example, you could change the location, modify their routine, or add more comfort items to their sleeping spot.

6.    Seek Professional Training Assistance

If you are continuously facing challenges, consult a professional dog trainer. They can provide personalized guidance and address specific behavior issues.

7.    Be Patient and Consistent

You must be patient and consistent with your training, as it takes time.  

Remember, your goal is to create a positive association with the designated spot, making it a place your golden retriever willingly chooses for a good night’s sleep.

Should I Let My Dog Sleep in Bed With Me?

Since most golden retrievers like sleeping with their owners in bed, you may wonder if it’s the right thing to do. 

Although the ultimate decision entirely depends on your lifestyle and preference, here are some considerations and tips to help you make an informed decision. 

  • Understanding Your Dog’s Behavior: Some dogs are naturally independent, while some may thrive on close companionship. Observe your dog’s comfort level with sleeping arrangements.
  • Health Considerations: If your golden retriever has medical issues or is prone to joint problems, providing a separate space with a comfortable and supportive dog bed might be your best bet.
  • Allergies and Hygiene: Do you or your family members have allergies? If yes, letting your dog sleep in bed with you can cause problems. 
  • Personal Space and Quality Sleep: If you prefer your personal space to get quality sleep, letting your dog sleep in bed with you may hinder your quality sleep.
  • Respecting Family’s Opinion: If you have other pets or family members, their preferences and relationships with the dog should also be considered when deciding on bed-sharing arrangements.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Why does my golden retriever want to sleep with me?

Your golden retriever may want to sleep with you due to their affectionate nature and strong bond with their owners. It’s a way for them to feel close, secure, and part of the family pack, fostering a deeper connection between you and your dog.

2.    What does it mean when a golden retriever sleeps on you?

When a golden retriever sleeps on you, it shows trust, affection, and a deep emotional connection. Your dog sees you as a source of comfort and security, and this behavior reflects their desire to be close to someone they love and trust.

3.    Where should a golden retriever sleep?

A golden retriever should ideally have a designated, comfortable sleeping spot in a quiet area. This could be a cozy bed in your bedroom, a crate in a quiet corner, or any designated area where your dog feels secure. 

4.    Why won’t my golden retriever sleep with me?

Some reasons your golden retriever won’t sleep with you can be personal preferences, discomfort, or anxiety. Assess their sleeping environment, rule out any health concerns, and consider gradual introductions to make the sleeping experience more inviting for them.


Golden retrievers generally like sleeping next to their owners due to their affectionate nature and strong bonds and for comfort and security. However, since every dog has different preferences, observe your dog’s behavior for a comfortable sleeping arrangement. 

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When Do Golden Retriever Puppies Stop Biting?

What Are Golden Retriever Puppy Behavior Stages?

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