Why Do Golden Retrievers Look Sad? (10 Must-Know Signs)

If you’re here, you might have noticed your golden retriever looking a bit sad and wondered, “Why do golden retrievers look sad?”.

Read further to discover the signs and reasons for your golden retriever’s sadness and ways in which you can make your dog happy and cheerful.

What Signs Does Your Golden Retriever Show When They Are Sad?

Golden retrievers, known for their affectionate and friendly nature, can also show sadness when feeling down.

Here are some common signs your golden retriever may display when feeling sad.

1.    Loss of Appetite

A sad dog might eat or drink less or even refuse food or treats altogether. This could be an indication that your golden retriever is feeling sad.

2.    Changes in Sleep Patterns

Just like humans, when your dog is feeling down, their sleep patterns can change.

This can include either sleeping more than usual as a way to cope with emotional distress or having difficulty sleeping, such as restlessness or frequent waking.

RELATED: Do Golden Retriever Puppies Sleep a Lot? (What You Must Know!)

3.    Lack of Interest in Socializing

When your golden retriever becomes sad, a common sign is their withdrawal from social interaction.

As they are naturally friendly and social dogs, their sudden urge to stay alone and not interact with other humans or pets indicates their sadness.

4.    Losing Interest in Their Favorite Activities

Your dog may also seem disinterested in activities they used to love and enjoy, like playing fetch, entertaining themselves with toys, exercising, or going for walks.

5.    Lethargy

If your golden retriever is usually active, playful, and full of energy but suddenly appears more tired or lethargic than usual, showing less enthusiasm for activities they normally enjoy, it depicts that they are depressed and sad. 

6.    Avoidance or Hiding

If your dog is sad or stressed you might have seen them disappearing and hiding in odd places at home, like sleeping under the bed or in a closet. 

This is their way of coping with their emotions.

7.    Licking Constantly

Animals don’t just lick themselves to get clean, some dogs engage in excessive paw-licking or grooming behaviors to make themselves feel better. This is a calming method for many dogs.

RECOMMENDED READING: Why Do Golden Retrievers Lick So Much? (13 REASONS!)

ALSO READ: Why Do Golden Retrievers Lick Their Paws? (Get the Facts!)

8.    Vocalization

Your golden retriever may have unusual vocalizations indicating distress.

They may whimper, whine, howl, or vocalize more than usual when feeling sad or anxious.

RELATED: Do Golden Retrievers Howl? (Unveiling the Mystery)

9.    Seeking Reassurance

It is normal for golden retrievers to seek more attention or affection from their owner, wanting to be comforted during their period of sadness.

RELATED: How Do Golden Retrievers Show Affection? (22 Signs!)

10. Destructive Behavior

Sadness can lead to heightened anxiety or stress in golden retrievers.

Destructive behaviors such as chewing on furniture, shoes, or other household items which they shouldn’t may provide a temporary outlet for their emotional tension.

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Common Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Look Sad

There are several reasons which explain the sadness of your golden retriever. Here are the reasons.

1.    The Role of Genetics

Golden retrievers often have distinct facial expressions that can lead people to believe they look sad.

Their droopy, large, and round eyes make them look sad all the time, but these physical features are genetic traits and may not accurately reflect their actual emotions.

So, while their facial expression often appears sad, it’s important to remember that their expression doesn’t always match their emotions.

2.    Separation Anxiety

Your golden retriever can experience separation anxiety when left alone for extended periods or simply because their pet parent is busy enough to make time for them.

This can cause your dog to become sad, depressed, and anxious.

RECOMMENDED READING: Anxiety in Golden Retrievers: Symptoms, Causes, & Solutions

3.    Perceptive Nature

Golden retrievers are very perceptive and empathetic dogs.

It means they can sense the emotions of their owners or other animals around them.

If their pet parent feels sad or stressed, they may pick up on these emotions and start feeling similarly.

4.    Grief or loss

Golden retrievers can experience grief after losing another family dog or owner’s death.

It can cause them sadness which can be seen by symptoms such as lethargy, decreased appetite, etc.

5.    Illness or Health Issues

If your golden retriever is feeling unwell, they may experience pain and difficulty during this time.

They might not be as playful or energetic as they normally would, making them sad.

They may also display other physical signs of illness like vomiting, diarrhea, loss of hair, lack of appetite, or excessive sleeping.

6.    Poor Diet

A poor diet can affect your golden retriever’s physical and emotional well-being.

They rely on balanced nutrition for their overall health, energy levels, and mood.

Physically, a poor diet lacking essential nutrients can lead to deficiencies and digestive issues, causing discomfort and potentially leading to behavior changes that might appear as sadness or lethargy.

Emotionally, if your dog is uncomfortable and doesn’t feel their best due to an inadequate diet, they may exhibit signs of sadness or low energy. 

7.    Injuries

Injuries can also affect your golden retriever’s mood and behavior. Like many other dogs, they are sensitive to pain and discomfort.

An injury limits their ability to interact or participate in activities they enjoy, leading them to frustration or sadness.

8.    Mistreatment

Mistreatment, such as neglect, abuse, or harsh treatment, can lead to fear, anxiety, and sadness in your golden retriever.

It can cause them emotional distress, affecting their trust in humans and general happiness.

9.    Trauma

Dogs can experience emotional distress and sadness in response to traumatic events like humans.

Trauma in dogs can result from various experiences such as abuse, accidents, attacks, abandonment, or even sudden loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms.

These incidents negatively affect the brain of your dog. As a result, they suffer from fear, anxiety, nervousness, or even aggression in some cases. So, your golden retriever may seem sad.

RELATED: Why Is My Golden Retriever Puppy Being Aggressive? (12 Alarming Causes)

10. Change in Environment

Some golden retrievers may experience sadness or stress when faced with a new environment due to unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells, and routines.

Anytime you change your dog’s home life, they can get uncomfortable, nervous, and anxious.

They might seek out hiding spots and avoid socializing initially.

While most dogs will adjust to the new environment without issues over time, some may require additional support and patience to settle in comfortably.

11. Lack of Attention

Since golden retrievers are fond of people, they enjoy playing and cuddling with their pet parents.

But when you fail to give them time or attention, either by being away from home for too long or due to your busy schedule, your dog feels offended and frustrated.

Therefore, your golden retriever feels sad and ignored.

12. Boredom or Lack of Stimulation

Golden retrievers are active and social dogs, who thrive on interaction, play, and exercise.

Thus, boredom and lack of mental and physical stimulation can make them sad, restless, or frustrated.

You should ensure your golden retriever has enough exercise, playtime, and social interaction opportunities.

13. Addition of a New Member to the Family

Golden retrievers are naturally very possessive and competitive, particularly when sharing their food, toys, and crate.

As a result, the addition of a new family member, such as another pet, if you get married, have a newborn baby, or even if you have a guest staying with you, can cause them to think that they are being replaced especially if they perceive changes in attention or routine.

This may lead your golden retriever to feel jealous, insecure, and sad.

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What To Do When Your Golden Retriever Is Sad?

If your golden retriever seems down, numerous methods exist to lift their spirits and improve their mood.

Here are some suggestions to cheer up your beloved pet.

1.    Feed Balanced Diet

Give your golden retriever healthy meals that include all the nutrients, as vital nutrients support their overall health and help regulate their mood.

Also, remember to feed them the right meals in both quality and quantity.

2.    Engage Your Pet in Activities

Sometimes boredom can be a cause for your golden retrievers’ sadness.

As they love playing, engaging them in various activities will help them get happier and more energetic.

A walk to the dog park will help them get some exercise and fresh air, which can help improve their mood.

A change in surroundings can also distract them from whatever might be causing their sadness.

You can also play fetch, give them their favorite toy, or get them a new puzzle toy.

3.    Reward a Happy Dog Not a Sad One

Rewarding your dog’s happy behaviors, like tail wagging, playfulness, and excitement, with treats, praise, or attention reinforces these actions as positive and encourages your dog to continue being joyful and happy.

If your dog shows signs of sadness like whining, moping, or withdrawing, giving attention or treats can inadvertently reinforce these behaviors.

This may teach your dog that acting sad leads to rewards, which eventually encourages this behavior over time.

4.    Give Them Toys and Treats

Often surprising your golden retriever with their favorite toys or treats helps in improving their mood.

Chewing on toys or enjoying their favorite treats can eliminate their sadness by providing them with comfort and distraction.

5.    Socialization

You should arrange playdates for your golden retriever with other dogs or allow them to interact with familiar humans if they enjoy socializing. Positive interactions can greatly improve their mood.

6.    Spend Quality Time with Your Dog

Golden retrievers enjoy spending time with their owners.

That being the case, your dog feels happy around you and does not feel ignored or insecure if you give them sufficient time.

The best way to cheer up your sad golden retriever is to provide them with plenty of affection and attention.

Offer your dog reassurance and comfort through gentle petting, cuddling, soothing words, and spending quality time together by playing with them.

RECOMMENDED READING: Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle? (What You Must Know!)

Sometimes, just being near them can make a difference. This can help boost their mood and make them feel loved.

7.    Consult With the Vet

Since managing critical health issues yourself isn’t possible, consulting a vet can be highly beneficial because they can identify the underlying causes of illnesses, which aids in their effective management, treatment, and future prevention.

Furthermore, advice from the vet regarding diet, exercise, and training plans is beneficial for your golden retriever.

All these collectively help in the eradication of the illness and sadness of your dog ultimately leading to a happier golden retriever.

8.    Consider A Dog Behaviorist

Despite all your efforts, if your golden retriever is still experiencing sadness, you might consider visiting a dog behaviorist.

A dog behaviorist assists a sad dog by understanding the underlying reasons for their sadness and developing a tailored plan to address them.

This may involve identifying triggers, implementing behavior modification techniques, and providing emotional support to help the dog overcome their sadness.

The behaviorist works closely with the dog and their owner to create a supportive environment and implement strategies that promote emotional well-being and a happier disposition over time.


Golden retrievers are usually joyful and friendly companions, so it can be concerning when they look sad. Look out for signs like lethargy, loss of appetite, changes in sleep patterns, withdrawal from social interaction, and decreased enthusiasm during activities.

You should try the above methods to make your golden retriever happy. If your dog’s mood doesn’t improve, seek professional help from a vet or dog behaviorist for tailored solutions.

Check out these articles next to understand your golden retriever’s different emotions and behaviors better:

Why Do Golden Retrievers Grunt? (The Truth You Need to Know)

Why Do Golden Retrievers Smile? (10 SURPRISING REASONS)

Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much? (14 Bark Types + Tips)

Golden Retriever Snarling: Here’s Why and What to Do!

Why Is My Golden Retriever So Hyper? (9 Surprising Reasons)

Do Golden Retrievers Hold Grudges? (Find Out Now!)

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